Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 186,134,553 Issue: 486 | 18th day of Running, Y13
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Short Stories

The Different Ones

While the other Unis sat around grooming all day, Hlaoa had a different idea of how to have fun.

by chestnuttiger787

We've always been like this. Sibling rivalry was one thing, but we were the kind that would take it to the next level and beyond.

by pandora
Meridell's Slimy Little Secret

Even the most perfect lands in Neopia can hold their secrets, and Meridell is no exception.

by dizzyblackberry
Wilma and Raina

Wilma liked faeries. She liked faerie quests.

by boscoemax
Dr. Wilbur's Fantastic and Grand Illusen Day Adventure

Once again, dear fan, I have picked up my priceless gilded quill to regale you with another tale of courage and selflessness.

by shadyy15
A Most Unlikely Swashbuckler

No Tonu Parade for her, oh no! Extra training... that was her lot in life!

by kittylitter251
The Gift

What irritated Seth was that everyone was probably writing about how insane Xandra was, too.

But he could really see what she was getting at.

by its_green

Tate's New Home

I gasped desperately for breath then I quickly scanned my surroundings. I was lying flat on a sandy beach...

by kennaalana
Katie in the Winter

Winter wasn't one of my favourite times of the year.

by emily5martin
Happy Birthday, Jhudora

Fyora cut in. "Jhudora! You know very well why we're here. You turned an innocent, faerie painted Uni into a slorg!"

by shorty21282
Books and Expectations

"I don't wanna train, Momma," Illusen whimpered, clasping her tiny hands together.

by kingskid999
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"Dr. Wilbur's Fantastic and Grand Illusen Day Adventure" by shadyy15
Now, Faeries are of a most reserved and secretive nature, well, some of them are at least. So I carefully trod forward, my senses sharpened, my ears pointed for the tiny flutter of wings or the enchanting notes of Faerie's song. Instead, I heard the most indistinct yet loud tantrum-screech and was hit square in the face by an Asparagus Chia Plushie. Me! Dr. Augustus Filibert Wilbur, hero...

Other Stories


A Breakthrough in Neopian Archaeology
Proposing tentative, half-baked theories about things that happened long ago. This is what archaeology is all about.

by anthropologist


It's Chomby Day! Now What?
Ten tips for a great time at the Chomby Carnival.

by movie138music


Six Names, Six Lives, Six Owners, One Terrible Tale: Part Seven
"Make this a forever home, okay? We need your cage for the other pets. We're the only place in Neopia that doesn't like regulars."

by ilovcanis


Aria of the Aeons: Part Three
"Get out of my mind," Az said calmly, staring up at high, wispy, clouds. "You don't belong there."

by kittengriffin


Lucky you!

by skutterbotched


The Many Wonders of Neopia: The Lever of Doom
Did you ever wonder what the Lever of Doom's purpose is?

by corynla

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