A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 186,134,553 Issue: 486 | 18th day of Running, Y13
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New Series

Meridell at War: Part One

"Well, good knights?" Illusen asked. "What business do you have in my forest? Does the King require my services?"

by herdygerdy
The Citadel Quest: Part One

It started out small at first. Just a tiny tickle in the throat, hardly noticeable. But now, Senhal lay in bed, delirious from fever, fighting for his life.

by peirigill
The Case of the Missing Quest Items: Part One

Kiko's the name, 00Kiko to be precise, though mostly I'm known simply as Kiko. I'm a female striped Kiko and head of the Kiko & Co. Detective Agency, formerly located on the fourth cloud on the left in Faerieland, currently located just outside a cave under Jhudora's Bluff.

by mystie06
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Guide to Entertaining Your Baby Neopet

They have short attention-spans, they require constant supervision, and should they get bored, they have a tendency to resort to the most terrible acts of mischief! The solution, of course, is toys. But which toys to buy? With literally hundreds of toys out there in Neopia, which ones to choose for your little one? I know I'm not the only one to have spent thousands of Neopoints on a fancy new toy, which has promptly been flung across the room in a fit of juvenile disgust...

Other Stories


Tate's New Home
I gasped desperately for breath then I quickly scanned my surroundings. I was lying flat on a sandy beach...

by kennaalana


Meridell's Slimy Little Secret
Even the most perfect lands in Neopia can hold their secrets, and Meridell is no exception.

by dizzyblackberry


Illusen's Favourite Things
Greetings, my fellow Neopians! It is that time of year again, when all of Neopia gathers to honour me and celebrate my many wondrous charms!

by fancifully


A Breakthrough in Neopian Archaeology
Proposing tentative, half-baked theories about things that happened long ago. This is what archaeology is all about.

by anthropologist


Color Scale
Not the brightest Grundo chef in the galaxy...

by acdcer


Neopian Anomaly, Part 8
Walk towards the light! ...Wait. Unless it's torchlight. That could end badly.

by lizica166

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