Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 186,134,553 Issue: 486 | 18th day of Running, Y13
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by icecradle

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A Breakthrough in Neopian Archaeology
Proposing tentative, half-baked theories about things that happened long ago. This is what archaeology is all about.

by anthropologist


Toddlers' Toys: A Guide to Entertaining Your Baby Neopet
They have short attention-spans, they require constant supervision, and should they get bored, they have a tendency to resort to the most terrible acts of mischief!

by mrs_cherish


Scarlet Shadow: Secrets and Reunions - Part Six
He looked down in thought. "Tell me, Crystal, how is it you came into possession of this gem?"

by kathleen_kate


Aria of the Aeons: Part Three
"Get out of my mind," Az said calmly, staring up at high, wispy, clouds. "You don't belong there."

by kittengriffin

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