A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 186,916,395 Issue: 512 | 16th day of Gathering, Y13
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by ghostkomorichu

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Great stories!


The Chocolate Ball: How Tos and Need to Knows
I have heard this year is going to be the best one yet; maybe a chocolate waterfall is in store? *drifts off into daydream*

by emmagine15


HELP! I'm trapped!
While my customers fear the Babaa, they have no problem coming in every five minutes to check the flowers!

by dark_lady_gray


Cocoaj Gets a Little Brother
He rolled his eyes, but kept walking. "I don't get you humans. So dim-witted."

by oakfeather


A Gaggle of Gobblers: Hopso
With its huge sticky feet and incredible sense of balance the Hopso can leap from anywhere and land on anything.

by fireandice92

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