Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 186,916,395 Issue: 512 | 16th day of Gathering, Y13
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Short Stories

A Showdown at the Rosen Bakery

Nothing else in the world could make him happier. It is the reason, after all, why he gave up his life of wealth as a nobleman's son to become a humble baker.

by laughingbear
Lost in the Seas

Lucho was a Mutant Krawk who had been born and raised in Krawk Island.

by chrystal_218
Moving On

Located at the very end of the road was an old, worn down wooden neohome that looked as though nobody had lived in it for years.

by allison_kitty11
The Perils in Lacking a Book Shop

"But how exactly am I supposed to just write the king's story? It's not like I can just walk up to him and ask."

by coolitiger25
Cocoaj Gets a Little Brother

He rolled his eyes, but kept walking. "I don't get you humans. So dim-witted."

by oakfeather
Just Imagine

A short little tale about an unlikely (but very real) friendship.

by sugargirl_kitty
No Good Deed

"Good morning, Mr. Mendell!" I greeted brightly, as an elderly brown Bori cracked open his door.

by regeneration
Real Freedom

"I have four pets, and I want a Lutari. That means I have to get rid of one, does it not?"

by ketchup547
The Color of Dark Chocolate

The tiled floor was in alternating colors of white chocolate and milk chocolate, the chandelier was made of colored glass the exact shade of a Chocolate Cybunny Negg, and there were at least four types of fountains lining the staircases, each bubbling up liquid chocolate.

by candleforkira
A Night in the Woods

Being made of chocolate has its merits.

by proudpony
Looks Can Be Deceiving - A Plushie Poogle Story

Plushie Poogles are different than Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushies.... right?

by nighters
The Chocolate Statue

"They say if you make a wish in front of it, it might come true..."

by dudeiloled
Have Muffin, Will Conquer

"She took the opening bake sale, Sappy. She's trying to one up me."

by rainbow_mist_wave

Some pets are like truffles - a surprise inside a sweet shell. A story of half friends, big waves and being yourself...

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

by saro_the_legendaerie

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"Moving On" by allison_kitty11
Very few remembered the name of this nearly abandoned road, and the few families that still lived there were not a social bunch. Located at the very end of the road was an old, worn down wooden neohome that looked as though nobody had lived in it for years. However, if one looked closely, they would notice in the old grimy window, a small blue furry face was gazing out of it, watching the street. Of course, nobody ever noticed this little lonely pet as she waited by the window...

Other Stories


10 Things Your Poogle Will Appreciate
A special Poogle Day edition!

by girlpower836


Poogle Puissance
Nearly always sunny and effervescent, most Poogles go through life singing and dancing.

by blackwater444


An Unlucky Day: Part One
How poetic. Evinti, the thief who had organized countless heists in the past was now the victim of a theft.

by gold_fang


Better than Scones: Return of the Black Pawkeet - Part Two
"Take hold of the adventure that's been thrown in yer face! Whether you like it or not, we're in the middle of it!"

by scribe1020


Rock has many different meanings.

by nightmare_reborn


Xweetok Family - Wings
Llois tries out Day's sugar cookie wings.

by 5966001

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