Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 186,916,395 Issue: 512 | 16th day of Gathering, Y13
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Continued Series

They Think it's All Over: Part Nine

"If one cannot close on the day the world ends, when can one close?"

by herdygerdy
Torch in the Darkness: Part Six

My thoughts were interrupted by a raspy "Help... me..." from behind me.

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part Four

"Escape now, talk later..."

by yotoll
Thyla's Tale: Part Six

A large red flame was dancing in my paw. I gasped.

by chestnuttiger787
Just One Wish: Part Two

"The ground's hard," I moaned. "And it's freezing out here."

by bumble_bee64
Last Place: Part Three

Cora never saw Bradley again that week. She did, however, acquire ten other ballot slips— most of them from friendly strangers whom she had taken a few minutes to get to know.

by peterpuffin1
Better than Scones: Return of the Black Pawkeet - Part Two

"Take hold of the adventure that's been thrown in yer face! Whether you like it or not, we're in the middle of it!"

by scribe1020
I'm NOT Losing The Bet!: Part Three

When Brynn and Hanso arrived at Brightvale Glaziers, the situation was worse than they thought.

by chimp_chicken_fish
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Palatable Pets & Petpets

As the days grow colder and the leaves acquire their seasonal golden hue, there are few things nicer than a little something sweet to warm you on even the chilliest of days. In fact, why settle for just a little something sweet when you could have an entire celebration? The Month of Gathering is host to easily the most delicious festival in all of Neopia—the Chocolate Ball! In order to prepare for this scrumptious occasion, I've compiled a mouth-watering list of Neopia's finest pets and petpets to give you a view of the tasty festivities!

Other Stories


The Perils in Lacking a Book Shop
"But how exactly am I supposed to just write the king's story? It's not like I can just walk up to him and ask."

by coolitiger25


A Showdown at the Rosen Bakery
Nothing else in the world could make him happier. It is the reason, after all, why he gave up his life of wealth as a nobleman's son to become a humble baker.

by laughingbear


Palatable Pets and Petpets of Neopia
The Month of Gathering is host to easily the most delicious festival in all of Neopia—the Chocolate Ball!

by katiecoo802


Twelve Must Have NP Wearables
Whether you're new to customization, or you've been at it for years, these are twenty wearables you'll use every time you dress your pets.

by 7splat52


The BGC Eater - Chocolate Edition!
Hello, buddy!

Idea by joohn_again

by rafizi


Reality Strikes - Discarding Dilemma
Where do those items go?

by _fluffyfeathers_

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