There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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Misfortune of the Gluttonous Pea Chia

by aruanahansel

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Tayard's Troubles
You hear a high pitched scream...

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Usuki Singing Stars #12: No Place Like Home
"Do we even know her REAL name? And what if she's some idiotic glitter lover who doesn't mind salsa dancing in ugly pants? THEN what will we do?"

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A Really *REALLY* Random Event

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Baby Adventures: The Mystery of the Fontaine Sisters - Part Two
As Treaphie was about to push the creaky wooden door, it was flung open from the inside by an angry-looking Red Mynci. "Arr, ye be takin' all me loot!" he snarled...

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