Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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New Series

Dissonance: Part One

"No, I'm afraid that your time is up; your taxes are due," I interrupted, strolling past him into his house uninvited. It was a rundown sort of place...

by lithoxide
What Makes a Family: Part One

I opened my eyes, staring off into the emptiness of night in the Pound. The light from the moon cast shadows into my little cell, causing it to give the room a creepier feel than it should have.

by anj6193
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Why Map Pieces Aren't Numbered

A passing zombie groans and hands you a piece of a treasure map. You take it gratefully (how rude would you be otherwise?) and pause for a moment. Questions race through your mind. Is this sanitary? What's a zombie doing out in Neopia Central, anyway? Are they even supposed to be out in sunlight? Oh, right. That's vampires. As you turn the map over in your hands, noting its ripped edges and wondering how it all fits together, a greater question suddenly...

Other Stories


Retying Heartstrings
Marlene strolled out of the kitchen, a cold can of Neocola in one hand and a somewhat-tattered paperback in the other. The white Zafara had gotten a lazy start to her day, but it was Saturday...

by interstella


Diary of a Mad Usuki Collector
So it was my birthday today, and my anger management coach said that I was making great strides. As a gift, he gave me this diary...

by dr_tomoe


Of Shields and Swords
The release of the two newest shields in the Hidden Tower (HT), the Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield and the Shield of Faerieland, has added to the consideration of battledomers in planning out their sets and their battling strategies.

by akitera


Questioning the Magma Pool Guard
Today, I'm bringing you an interview with the Magma Pool Guard, that illustrious Tonu that stands between Neopians and their chance to paint their pet a very exclusive magma color.

by impellent


The Goofers - Jump and Crash
The vile consequences of jumping on the sofa...

by lintsuf


Half Cheese Jelly- The Pound
We're going to the Pound!

by galapagospenguin

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