Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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Short Stories

The Audition

The blue Zafara waited nervously in the corridor, clutching the neck of his cello tightly.

by panda_girl555
Pabu the Snow-wrangler

The sounds of their footsteps seemed deathly loud as they went farther back in the icy, barren cave. Time seemed to slow down...

by the_kitten_master
Our Song

He sat in the dawn at top of a Shenkuuvian foothill, fiddle couched under his arm. In one hand, he held a bow carved out of dark wood...

by kittengriffin
Retying Heartstrings

Marlene strolled out of the kitchen, a cold can of Neocola in one hand and a somewhat-tattered paperback in the other. The white Zafara had gotten a lazy start to her day, but it was Saturday...

by interstella
A Water Plant That Flames Up?

"I have been thinking about making our family bigger," I said as I hugged her. Foxitta stared with wide eyes at me.

by sara_midnight_24
Only in Dreams

Sometimes dreams are the last time you'll think of something... or someone.

by navycoat
Usuki Singing Stars #12: No Place Like Home

"Do we even know her REAL name? And what if she's some idiotic glitter lover who doesn't mind salsa dancing in ugly pants? THEN what will we do?"

by downrightdude
Diary of a Mad Usuki Collector

So it was my birthday today, and my anger management coach said that I was making great strides. As a gift, he gave me this diary...

by dr_tomoe
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Waiting for Usukicon - What to Take

We've been going to Usukicon since year 7 when my owner first started collecting and every year we seem to start queuing outside earlier and earlier. It all stems from year 8 when, as I'm sure you know, a manufacturing glitch in the factory meant there were very limited gift bags and my owner missed out. From that year on she has been paranoid about missing out and so with five days to go as I write this we are already outside the convention centre waiting...

Other Stories


The Exhibitor's Usukicon
I have the honor of being the exhibitor liaison for this year's Usukicon, and, as I'm sure you know, the success of this event depends almost entirely on you, our collectors.

by phadalusfish


Questioning the Magma Pool Guard
Today, I'm bringing you an interview with the Magma Pool Guard, that illustrious Tonu that stands between Neopians and their chance to paint their pet a very exclusive magma color.

by impellent


Chronicles of the Chosen: Taking Flight - Part Three
"Me? Nervous? Never!" I tried my hardest to keep my voice even, but still it cracked when I spoke. Obviously, this was caused by the depleting oxygen in the hallway. NOT nervousness.

by pretsel_is_back


Dissonance: Part One
"No, I'm afraid that your time is up; your taxes are due," I interrupted, strolling past him into his house uninvited. It was a rundown sort of place...

by lithoxide


We Warned You Not To Feed Them Carrot
Can you believe it?

by snakesrok3


Neopian Science #1
Density Demonstration

by sang122

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