Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

You don't get a childhood unless you're painted baby.

Waiting for Usukicon - What to Take

We've been going to Usukicon since year 7 when my owner first started collecting and every year we seem to start queuing outside earlier and earlier. It all stems from year 8 when, as I'm sure you know, a manufacturing glitch in the factory meant there were very limited gift bags and my owner missed out. From that year on she has been paranoid about missing out and so with five days to go as I write this we are already outside the convention centre waiting...

Why Map Pieces Aren't Numbered

A passing zombie groans and hands you a piece of a treasure map. You take it gratefully (how rude would you be otherwise?) and pause for a moment. Questions race through your mind. Is this sanitary? What's a zombie doing out in Neopia Central, anyway? Are they even supposed to be out in sunlight? Oh, right. That's vampires. As you turn the map over in your hands, noting its ripped edges and wondering how it all fits together, a greater question suddenly...

The Exhibitor's Usukicon

You're receiving this Neomail because it's been brought to my attention by others in the rare goods industry that you have a keen interest in the Usuki market, including a vast store of knowledge and an extensive collection. Both of these things are essential to participants' enjoyment of the event. Additionally, it has been brought to my attention that your interest in the Usuki market has a financial twist, which is to say...

Other Stories
"Diary of a Mad Usuki Collector" by dr_tomoe
My anger management coach said that I was making great strides. As a gift, he gave me this diary to contain my thoughts and to mention things that might get me angry, so I can try to manage it better. Yeah, it's easy for him to say. He doesn't have to keep cleaning up messes in a big statue hall every day! He doesn't realize how dirty those floors get with tourists coming in day in and day out to visit the Hall of Heroes! Always coming in with their muddy shoes! GAH!

"A Water Plant That Flames Up?" by sara_midnight_24
"I have been thinking about making our family bigger," I said as I hugged her. Foxitta stared with wide eyes at me. "Ya mean you gonna get a baby? To be hew? Wiff me?" Her eyes grew even bigger. Then in a single movement she leaped off my lap and ran down the hall. In a minute she was back, dragging my purse and shoes and shouting, "Come on! Let's go get 'em!" I grinned. She was always so energetic. "Come on!" she yelled impatiently as I...

"Only in Dreams" by navycoat
They say that when you dream, you're actually sorting through your mind to determine what you will remember and what you'll forget. In other words, sometimes dreams are the last time you'll think of something... or someone. A dream came upon Zach shortly after he fell asleep. The checkered Gelert found himself on a wooden dock stretched out over the ocean. And, for some reason, it stretched until he couldn't see the ends of either side. It was a line that connected the horizon...

Delicious & Nutritious Prizes!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Fruit Machine
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Great stories!


Waiting for Usukicon - 10 Essentials to Take
My name is Dreamalia and if there is one thing you should know about my owner it's that she's Usuki crazy, or maybe just crazy; it can be hard to tell.

by daughters_ofthe_moon


Pabu the Snow-wrangler
The sounds of their footsteps seemed deathly loud as they went farther back in the icy, barren cave. Time seemed to slow down...

by the_kitten_master


Battle for the Keys! - Part 4
Let's find out who's better!

by zemutt


The Audition
The blue Zafara waited nervously in the corridor, clutching the neck of his cello tightly.

by panda_girl555


Only in Dreams
Sometimes dreams are the last time you'll think of something... or someone.

by navycoat

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