Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 90,556,196 Issue: 161 | 8th day of Collecting, Y6
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by evilbob111

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Hotel Report
Stuck choosing between Cockroach Towers and Astrovilla (like that's hard), or falling for Presidential Palace?

by cherry_blossom_43


Direct From The Annual Gormball Championships
Shoy: As you can see, the competitors are making their way down to the field now. Look! There’s Brian the red Scorchio.

by pk_fire14


Just Another Day
King who?!

by twink_lingz


Guide for Feeding Kadoaties - Your Way of Being Kind
When it first came out, everyone started going crazy over these poor little Petpets. What made everyone be kind to feed like million worth of Draik eggs to these kitties?

by aquariss

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