A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 530 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y14
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A Month in the Pound - A Neopet's Interview

I decided I would take advantage of this unfortunate event and conduct an interview on her time in the Pound. And let me assure you, an interview with Dorothie isn't an easy process.

by mr_holithon
Customization Guide: Helpful Dressing Tips for MSPPs

Here in this article, we will explore into some cute recommended wearables to match your MSP poogle's customizable theme.

by lute248
When Invisible Soup Was Visible

"Excuse me, but may I ask the secret behind invisible soup?"

To my surprise, the Soup Faerie merely smiled secretively at me, and did not answer.

by foedus

Show Your Snowager Love

People steal things from him and he doesn't attack without reason. He attacks because you steal his things. Tell me, would you do nothing if someone steals your things?

by jamespongebob
Create a Brynn, Xandra, or Hanso-Like Neopet

Most of you probably know Brynn, Hanso, and Xandra from the Faeries' Ruin plot, but have you ever wished Brynn, Hanso, or Xandra could be your neopet? Well, then you've found the right article.

by pikapika19
Selling on the Trading Post - A Buyer's Perspective

Your items have been on the trading post forever, and nobody is buying! What are you doing wrong?

by lil_princess_of_evil
A Mystery Island Getaway Vacation – Part I

Mystery Island is the perfect place to escape from real life and just relax. Come down here for a week of fun, sand, and beach!

by vanilla_paw
Spotlight on Y13

Here is a recap of what we think are the most important events that happened Y13.

Also by babagabadoosh

by yuri445

The All New Colors of Year 13

Year 13 also brought us four new colors!

Also by pillepalle77

by 1engel

Cheeky Colours: Which Best Describes You?

If you are an owner of one of the 16,701,422 Kacheeks out there, or if you'd just like to join in the celebration, take this quiz and find out what Kacheek colour best describes you!

by fireairshadow
Why Everyone Should Own a Kacheek

You may ask yourself why you would ever want a Kacheek. The real question is: why wouldn't you?

Also by layeredcrazy

by babygirl122187

Fashionable Kacheeks... on a Neopoint Budget

For the most part they are lovely, fun loving and peaceful creatures, but more importantly, they are a wonderful species to customize!

by beckykbrooks
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"Gallery of Imperfection" by alyiousa
They did not hear her approach, but here was Queen Fyora in the flesh and who had apparently overheard all of their mocking of her doll! Alyiousa tried to stutter out an apology, but all that came out were unintelligible noises. She finally got to meet her hero and she had managed to insult her!

Other Stories


Gallery of Imperfection
They are not broken; They are well loved.

by alyiousa


New Years in Maraqua
"So, how many should we light?"

"Fourteen, what else? You do know what year it is, right?"

by liyuuki


Beautiful Chaos: Part Twelve
"Leo!" he yelled over his shoulder, coughing as more smoke swirled around his face. "Leo, wake up!"

by tanikagillam


Guard Duty: Part Five
Fyora had said nothing since her arrest, and Smith knew he would need more evidence before he questioned her directly...

by herdygerdy


Mysterious Chanting?

by aruanahansel


Neo Life Lessons: When Taunts Backfire

Also by sarcasticdeath

by vampirebunny18

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