Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 530 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y14
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Continued Series

Beautiful Chaos: Part Twelve

"Leo!" he yelled over his shoulder, coughing as more smoke swirled around his face. "Leo, wake up!"

by tanikagillam
Guard Duty: Part Five

Fyora had said nothing since her arrest, and Smith knew he would need more evidence before he questioned her directly...

by herdygerdy
Clues in the Hidden Tower: Sparkles's Mystery - Part Three

"Take us to Fyora," Sparkles ordered. "We need to see her right away!"

by downrightdude
The End: A Shoyru Tale - Part Three

"The Shadow Faerie is fairly famous, Shoyru," she began. "After all, she is Fyora's sister."

by nintyplayer
Child of the Drenched: Intrigue in Faerieland - Part Seven

Brynn glared at her. "I was told you had information that was relevant to finding the staff. This isn't a game..."

by kristykimmy
When Neopia Turns Evil: Part Five

Some pirates were panicking. Maybe because the babies secretly threw away the weapons? Probably.

by hannahcreep
Scarblade's Pearl: Forgive and Regret - Part Five

"Nira!" she gasped, then put a hand over her mouth.

by theloverpokemonqueen
Possibility: Part Five

For once since this morning, I feel a true flicker of hope. Jules and I run up the multitude of stairs...

by virtuosoe
Possessed: Part Four

The return to the land of my childhood was bringing out the person that I had left behind along with it; the person used to ice and snow. Slush and sleet.

by ellbot1998
Order of Four: Part Two

"It will be very hard for anyone to find us there. I would have preferred to stay in Neovia, or to go almost anywhere else. But..."

by jokerhahaazzz
Once a Scarab: Part Two

Bokan snapped, "Tomos, are you paying attention?"

by saphira_27
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Cheeky Colours

There are currently 48 Kacheek colours available – from the popular white, plushie and royal, to the totally edible chocolate, jelly and strawberry, and the spooky zombie, Halloween or mutant – every Kacheek of every colour are treasured and loved by their owners. So, if you are an owner of one of the 16,701,422 Kacheeks out there, or if you'd just like to join in the celebration, take this quiz and find out what Kacheek colour best describes you! Happy Kacheek Day!

Other Stories


New Years in Maraqua
"So, how many should we light?"

"Fourteen, what else? You do know what year it is, right?"

by liyuuki


A Thorn in the Side
"Do you vow to protect the Temple and the treasure it guards?"

by justinamorgan


A Month in the Pound - A Neopet's Interview
I decided I would take advantage of this unfortunate event and conduct an interview on her time in the Pound. And let me assure you, an interview with Dorothie isn't an easy process.

by mr_holithon


Customization Guide: Helpful Dressing Tips for MSPPs
Here in this article, we will explore into some cute recommended wearables to match your MSP poogle's customizable theme.

by lute248


Kyrii Gonna Hate!

by xxautumnxx


What Games Should Really Be Like - Bouncy Supreme
I guess most games wouldn't actually happen in Neopia that way. So here is my first game-makeover: Bouncy Supreme!

by j_ichigo

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