The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 530 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y14
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New Series

Grundo on Ice: Part One

"Oohh, there might be lots of Christmas stuff," Fallicina thought and moved the red box. Her face turned full of joy, because she had found something much better than she had expected. In the middle of snowglobes, ornaments and Christmas plushies, she saw...

by klarasaar
Petpet Adventures: Let It Snow - Part One

Silence reigned, broken only by the Snowager's harsh breathing as he slept.

by rachelindea
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Trading Post Selling

You followed all of the selling guides, but you still aren't getting the offers you want. Perhaps it's time to go to the source: those buyers. I'm no experienced Trading Post seller, but I am an experienced Trading Post buyer and as a buyer, I know the hassles of buying on the Trading Post. The more hoops that buyers have to jump through, the less likely they are to buy items. Learning these hassles as a seller can save you hassles of your own and get that item sold...

Other Stories


New Years in Maraqua
"So, how many should we light?"

"Fourteen, what else? You do know what year it is, right?"

by liyuuki


Gallery of Imperfection
They are not broken; They are well loved.

by alyiousa


The All New Colors of Year 13
Year 13 also brought us four new colors!

Also by pillepalle77

by 1engel


Fashionable Kacheeks... on a Neopoint Budget
For the most part they are lovely, fun loving and peaceful creatures, but more importantly, they are a wonderful species to customize!

by beckykbrooks


One Fish, Two Fish
Camouflage has nothing on this.

by fish_puddle


Kadoatie Tails - Double or Nothing
Wanna win?

Story by sylviau

by dungified

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