Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,890,956 Issue: 1028 | 7th day of Running, Y27
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Continued Series

A Meerca's Mission

The Alien Aisha’s name was Aishtra and not only did she work at the Space Station, but she lived in the same section of dorms as Matatat did.

by weakestlink33
Thieves Alike

Malvus was walking back home with a wheelbarrow of split firewood. Summer was coming to an end, and the long winters of the Shenkuu mountains were long and unforgiving if ever his stockpile of wood were to run out.

by greencheese79
Pyramids All The Way Down

"This just in: Qasala announces the return of the former King Razul. While Razul insists that he is in a "co-Kingship" with his son, Jazan, this is a most shocking development given his previous attack on Sakhamet.

by likelife96
Jeanie's Teeny Tikes

The next stop of the nursery tour was a small kitchenette with food cabinets and fridge. There was a half circle of high chairs neatly arranged facing the kitchenette.

by jeanaet
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"A Hero's Journey: Dinner for Four" by precious_katuch14
“STILL HUNGRY!” The Esophagor reared up and swiped a large claw that snagged on the robe of a fleeing Blue Acara. She screamed and tried to pull away, threads coming away tangled in sharp rocky fingers, before brandishing a wand and screaming an incantation. Unfortunately for Mipsy, the jet of shimmering flames simply glanced off the back of the Esophagor’s hand, and he glared at her with intense red eyes, baring his jagged fangs; a woven pack still dangled from one fang, a breath away from falling into his throat. But fortunately for her, while a Red Techo blasted a thick, crackling and sparkling mist into the monster’s face, a White Blumaroo grabbed her other wrist and dragged her forward, her shoes slipping in the muck and mud of the Goo Bog. “Thanks, Rohane.” Rohane did not answer as he ran past bare trees and slimy swamp without looking back, his gauntleted fingers closed tightly on the Acara’s wrist. A Green Eyrie flew ahead of them and pointed to a cave...

Other Stories


Prizes for the Neopies
The Neopies had just started, and he was busier than ever preparing for it every day; but that didn't mean he couldn't look nice.

by ningkov1


A Hero's Journey: Dinner for Four
The Esophagor reared up and swiped a large claw that snagged on the robe of a fleeing Blue Acara.

by precious_katuch14


How the Weewoo came to Krawk Island
All about Weewoos!

by dennykins


The Best Daily - Faerieland Employment Agency, Part Two
It's rewarding information to know...

by phadalusfish


Hoarding Problem
Who knows when you will need something?

by enex123


Usukicon: Sloth or Shine
Nothing, nothing at all.

by chewed

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