Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,507,765 Issue: 857 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y21
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The Scorned House

A shadow was cast over the Haunted Woods as dark clouds gathered. A thick haze shrouded the forest of leafless trees. Along a narrow, winding dirt path, a lone, spirited young Bori made his way down the trail, lantern held high and close, his eyes wide, glancing back and forth, watching for any sign of movement behind the trees and within the very shadows.

by shadowknight_72
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"The Shenkuu Defender Tryouts" by mbredboy31
"Well, hey, anything new today?” asked a quad Yellow Zafara, looking over the top of a fence at his neighbor, a quad Green Techo. (The term “Quad” is used loosely here as both quad Zafaras and quad Techos stand upright but are regardless much shorter than their anthro equivalents.) The Green Techo briefly continued to read his copy of the Neopian Times before sitting up out of his reclining position on his lawn chair and then turning to look at his neighbor. “Oh, Thal, just in time… Did you hear about the event the Defenders of Shenkuu is doing?” asked the Green Techo, Rod, while pointing at an advert in the newspaper. “They’re holding tryouts for new recruits today, those who volunteer will be assigned to one of their certified Defenders as a temporary sidekick. Knowing you and knowing me, we’ll both want to be there. It says they’ll provide the costumes when you arrive, too.” Thal and Rod were essentially permanent rivals; they continually competed at anything they could think of that they could compete at. Sporting events, board games, even doing household chores, their need to one-up each other was unrelenting.

Other Stories


The Ixi and the Queen
"Your Majesty, are you sure you wish to retain the services of a thief?"

by black_skull725


Unheard, Unseeing — Creamy's Petpet Spotlight
It all started when Alice was very young. It could have been only a short time ago, as Alice is still quite young.... We'll say it could have been in her first year of Neoschool — first or second.

by dewdropzz


For Justice! A Guide to Heroic Sidekicks -For Collab
Hello there, Neopian Times readership of JUSTICE! Have you come to this article hoping to learn about SIDEKICKS?

You have?

Strap yourself in, young heroes, and bring lots of snacks, because you’re in for a barrage of nonstop action.

by parody_ham


Defenders Wanted: Partners And Sidekicks
When Neopia is in danger who are you going to call? The Defenders of Neopia of course!

by pikachu315111


Ice Cream Machine Woes
Today is the day!

in collaboration with imbitter & jordenluff

by depraving


Monstrous Mayhem - Customization
Scary is a relative term.

by fallingdaybreak

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