Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,507,765 Issue: 857 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y21
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Short Stories

Unheard, Unseeing — Creamy's Petpet Spotlight

It all started when Alice was very young. It could have been only a short time ago, as Alice is still quite young.... We'll say it could have been in her first year of Neoschool — first or second.

by dewdropzz
What Lies Beneath

“If I have to fill out one more requisition request, I’m going to scream.”

by skutterbotched
The Ixi and the Queen

"Your Majesty, are you sure you wish to retain the services of a thief?"

by black_skull725
The Shenkuu Defender Tryouts

They seemed to be evenly matched as each of them won about half of their contests. Their owners did not mind them doing this too much as it was a way of them acquiring motivation and getting more exercise, they’d say. Even they had limits on this, of course, but, as it were, only rarely would their pets’ competition go far enough for them to be concerned.

by mbredboy31
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From Minion to Sidekick: A Guide to an Evil Career

So you landed your dream job, working for the next big bad, but how do you climb the slippery (and occasionally slimy) career ladder? Frequently to get a toe in the door to working for an evil overlord you will be starting right at the bottom as a humble, low-paid minion. Expect long hours, poor (if any) pay, and have to put up with frequently being a test subject for the inventions that the evil genius has come up with. With little to no job security as you may be fired, fired at or caught in the cross-fire when those goodies come to put a stop to everything you want to get out of the minion-status pronto, become a henchman quickly and then aim for the heady heights of being numero uno sidekick. Don’t worry, with a lot of dedication and hard work you can achieve your goals if you follow our fool proof guide.

Other Stories


For Justice! A Guide to Heroic Sidekicks -For Collab
Hello there, Neopian Times readership of JUSTICE! Have you come to this article hoping to learn about SIDEKICKS?

You have?

Strap yourself in, young heroes, and bring lots of snacks, because you’re in for a barrage of nonstop action.

by parody_ham


Myncis to go Bananas over!
Myncis are one of the smartest, most outgoing species in all of Neopia. Originating from Mystery Island, Myncis are known for their large ears and extremely curly tails.

also by masters_united and lookidontcare3

by k3l26


Shadow Play:Part Two
Terra woke up from dreaming that she had a stomachache, to discover that she really did have a stomachache. This was not the first time this had happened in the middle of the night. With a grimace, she carefully rolled over onto her back and tried to relax, listening to her own breathing, trying to think of happy things.

by cosmicfire918


A Queen's Ascension - War:Part Eight
The Altadorian Docks were bustling as always, with many ships docked at the harbour and many more arriving or departing with goods from all over Neopia.

by dudeiloled


Monstrous Mayhem - Customization
Scary is a relative term.

by fallingdaybreak


Ice Cream Machine Woes
Today is the day!

in collaboration with imbitter & jordenluff

by depraving

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