Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 175,202,528 Issue: 367 | 7th day of Storing, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

How can you ever dream of succeeding if you continuously degrade yourself?

Successful Royalty

Let me explain: If you had a Shoyru and decided to paint him Maraquan, you wouldn't not teach him how to swim, because he'd look stupid in front of all the other Maraquan neopets. So what I did was come up with a list of things your neopet should know before they get painted royal. 1) The wave. This isn't just any old wave; this is THE WAVE. Not too fast, not too slow, and nice and high in the air. Accompany this with a snooty smile and when walking while doing The Wave, take small steps but not so small it looks like you are shuffling...

Boards for the Bored

It's a place to meet new people and judge them based on their avatar count and font. Who has never done that? Thought not. Looking to be lent a Bony Grarrl Club? The Avatars/NeoSignatures board is where you can hang out, but look impressive or you'll never get your hands on the club. Searching for a guild? Post "I'm guildless!" on the Guilds board, and you will be quickly engulfed in a stream of advertisements. The boards offer something for everyone and everything. However, there are a few things about each forum which may be of use...

NeoQuest: Getting Started

As you keep playing and gaining levels, you start getting skill points; one for each level you gain, plus seven free points at the beginning of the game. Skill points let you power up your character in the game, like increasing the damage you do, or strengthening your defence, or paralyzing enemies or some other useful things. There are only a few different categories to place them in, but you have to be careful deciding which to invest in, because once you use a skill point, it can never...

Other Stories
"The Last Petpet Herder" by vulpy37
After three depressing interviews, Danny had almost lost hope in finding a job and his dream of becoming a superhero. Then the Mynci spotted a help wanted ad in the Neopian Times: Samrin, the previous petpet herder, needed a vacation and so a new extreme header must be found. Danny jumped this perfect offer: "Saving petpets and earning some neopoints to fund my adventure!" A great combination, he thought. So here Danny was, sitting nervously in a wooden chair...

"Nameless" by ayame_23
Of course it wasn't a costume! It was my Defender wardrobe! Yellow, red, and orange. Cape, mask, wrist bands! All of it! These were the symbols of who I was! But who was I really if even this kid didn't recognize me? An imposter. A Lupe in a costume. What did being the Lupe Defender mean if no one knew my name? "It's not a costume," I snapped bitterly, wrenching my cape angrily from his paws. "I'm the Lupe Defender." It was embarrassing...

"Valton's Quest" by bukittyan
Fyora had some fine heroes doing great deeds for her, but Valton was convinced that he was to be the best. The portraits hanging on the walls seemed to beam encouragingly at him as he climbed the long, winding stairs of the Hidden Tower. Garon's had been the first, while Quaglor had claimed a space somewhere toward the middle. All of Fyora's heroes looked brave and dashing, all qualities that Valton was sure he possessed. He was certain...

It's Not Just Fun, It's KreluFun!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Freaky Factory
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Uh-oh... O.o

by sandythejinglebell


Doglefox Duets
Two doglefoxes just can't stay out of trouble.

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo


Why Can't I...
I can't, because...

by sue_sa


The Boards for the Bored
The unspoken rules and general discussions of the Neoboards.

by puffalump10


Costume? COSTUME? That's what he thought this was?

by ayame_23

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