Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword candylandtheonomy

Week - 411

The First Color in an Unusual Place
by candylandtheonomy
Description: She could get anything: books, wearables, usuki dolls, paint brushes. Paint brushes was her goal, though!

Week - 490

by candylandtheonomy
Description: "Come out from behind that rock!"

Week - 618

12:01 Halloween
by candylandtheonomy
Description: It was that sound which first woke Fantesha from slumber, like nails on a chalkboard.

Week - 966

Kads on Kads on Kads
by candylandtheonomy
Description: "Alieniey the Alien Aisha was feeling...well...quite alien."

Week - 979

Breaking Illusions
by candylandtheonomy
Description: "Surprisingly, though, Cehani had never met Illusen. Never meet your heroes. This phrase she had heard stuck with her."

Week - 1000

One Neopoint. Seriously?
by candylandtheonomy
Description: "When Quest Log began, Zariniey became an instant fanatic! She was there at the first hour to quickly complete each quest and collect her bag of 20,000 Neopoints that she would stash away..."

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In the Neopian Times Office. Issue 1000
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Party Planner Extraordinaire
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The Price of Ambition
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