Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Continued Series

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir

"Two years ago, when Miphie was a rosy-cheeked Neophyte at Academia Magika, she had spent her first couple of spare moments exploring the library..."

by josephinefarine
The Price of Ambition

"The next day, the two girls had packed small bags and were ready to head out to Altador. Annie noticed as they left..."

by golden1188
Knight & Squire: Preface

"Danner yawned as he stared at the latest agricultural and civilian militia reports. There was a slight uptick in bandit activity, but nothing too concerning..."

by terpsichorean_writer
Samrin's Inspiration

"'We have walked too far down this tunnel. We have to backtrack a bit,' Gilbert said..."

by greencheese79
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"A Party, A Thousand Years Overdue" by herdygerdy
Never underestimate the allure of a free buffet. Edna the Witch certainly never did. It was often said she’d turn up to the opening of an envelope if there was free food on offer. She’d always be found in the corners of ceremonies, silently judging other attendees while glowering at them and shoving a plate full of open-topped sandwiches in her face. Why people continued to invite her was a mystery yet to be solved. Though in this case, the invitation had come from an old colleague — a member of her coven — and it would have been rude to exclude her. Other Witches were also in attendance. Morguss, the Witch of the Darigan Citadel and the closest thing a proud woman like Edna might admit to being a friend, also couldn’t resist the idea of a party. And these days, Sophie, the young Witch of Neovia was often found in their ranks. There had to be three, they said. Always three Witches. Power in numbers. The invite had come from Jerdana, the acclaimed sorceress of Altador. Because today was a very special date. It was Year 9, the first real year that Altador had returned from its long slumber. And it was the anniversary of the city’s founding, over a thousand years ago. The buffet, as a result, was very good. They had arranged one of the levels of the council chambers expressly for the reception. The trestle tables ran the full length of the room. They were filled with all manner of the usual culinary suspects.

Other Stories


One Neopoint. Seriously?
"When Quest Log began, Zariniey became an instant fanatic! She was there at the first hour to quickly complete each quest and collect her bag of 20,000 Neopoints that she would stash away..."

by candylandtheonomy


Spilled Ink - Happy 1000th issue!
"Ylana was living in a small spaceship, constantly darting from planet to planet and taking work where she could. Being a wanted criminal for a decade and a half now, the last thing you would want was to..."

by xxstarl1ghtxx


The Gallery of Heroes: A Comprehensive Guide
When thinking over my submission for the thousandth issue of the Neopian Times, I was uncertain. Perhaps a comic? Maybe a list article? A short story?

by jjensen687


A Guide to Random Acts of Kindness in Neopia
I’ve been playing Neopets since 2002, which means I’ve been here for a pretty significant portion of my life. The main thing that keeps me coming back to this website after all these years is the community.

by ultimatekai123


Grave Regrets
Thanks, buddy.

by hakotie


1000 Miles
How far will you go?

by antonia22301

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