Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Short Stories

From One Writer to Another

"The bookshop had been kind enough to lend me a comfortable, cushioned chair, not a plastic, blocky one with faded paint and a number written with permanent marker. My table was covered with a clean burgundy cloth and..."

by precious_katuch14
A Weewoo's Journey

"The Weewoo was white, his feathers standing out like a pile of snow in the sand of Krawk Island. All the other chicks in the brood were various shades of brown..."

by emma_manatee
Jhudora’s Quest - Level 1000

"Zaf the Zafara could barely contain her excitement as she rushed to grab the latest issue of the Neopian Times from her front yard. Today was a monumental day..."

by wingkandy
A Party, A Thousand Years Overdue

"Never underestimate the allure of a free buffet..."

by herdygerdy
The Hunter & The Betrayer: 1000 Years

"A millennium had passed; time, as it inevitably, always did, moved on. A painful journey for the old and decaying, an impatient one for the youths who wished to experience more..."

by dudeiloled
In the Neopian Times Office. Issue 1000

"Thuay’s fur was getting matted near her temple where she had been rubbing at it in frustration, so she purposefully stopped and placed her arms down on her desk instead. It’s not just her though..."

by betti666
One Neopoint. Seriously?

"When Quest Log began, Zariniey became an instant fanatic! She was there at the first hour to quickly complete each quest and collect her bag of 20,000 Neopoints that she would stash away..."

by candylandtheonomy
The Mysterious Disappearance of a Neopian Times Editor

"The Desert Aisha gripped the latest issue of the Neopian Times tightly in her paws, soaking up every word of the..."

by _myst_queen
Spilled Ink - Happy 1000th issue!

"Ylana was living in a small spaceship, constantly darting from planet to planet and taking work where she could. Being a wanted criminal for a decade and a half now, the last thing you would want was to..."

by xxstarl1ghtxx
One Thousand Days of Procrastination

"After reading the fifth question on the career quiz, Line realizes that this is not going well..."

by purplepeggie
Search the Neopian Times


Wonderful Weewoos: A Personality Test

Have you ever wondered what species of Petpet you’d be if you were a Petpet? Why not a Weewoo? They’re cute, intelligent, and sing beautiful melodies. Of course, they come in a variety of gorgeous hues at the Petpet Puddle. In honour of the 975th edition of the Neopian Times, this article is a personality test which will show you which colour of Weewoo you are destined to be. The questions are below: 1. Which of the following Neopian eateries is your favorite? a. Grundo’s Café. I want a Sloth Pudding Cup—other desserts are puny in comparison! b. The Golden Dubloon. Me wants a Land Lubber, and ye be walking the plank if ye don’t bring me one, yarr! c. Kelp. The food is so eclectic, elegant, and tasty! d. The Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop. Who wouldn’t love a sugary treat on a jolly winter day? e. Faerie Foods. Everything tastes better with faerie magic. f. Merifoods, but the food has to be gourmet. Regular food is for peasants! 2. Which Neopian land would you like to visit on your next vacation? a. Virtupets Space Station. I must see Dr. Sloth, my revered creator. b. Krawk Island. Me wants to search the shore and play with all the other little nippers! c. Maraqua. I love to swim! d. Terror Mountain. The place is so jolly and festive, and I love playing in the snow! e. Faerieland. Despite being literally grounded, this location is simply magical! f. Meridell. Maybe I can take over the role of King Skarl someday! *mischievous grin* 3. You have some Neopoints to spend, and are asked...

Other Stories


10 Ways to Spend the Day with Your Weewoo
"In celebration of issue 1000 of the Neopian Times, we thought it would be a great idea to spend the day with your Weewoo and show them all the wonderful parts of Neopia that they might have missed before..." Collab with corryn10

by tamimarieb


A Guide to Winter Foraging
As the colour drains from the earth and light leaves the sky, many of us Neopians will spend more time inside. The sun setting earlier naturally signals a sleepier time of year, a time to rest.

by tangey_zumi


Digging up the Past
"The day had finally arrived. A mild, gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the humble Money Tree, revealing a content timber smile. Under its sprawling canopy..." Collab with ryan100495

by _snails_pace_


Samrin's Inspiration
"'We have walked too far down this tunnel. We have to backtrack a bit,' Gilbert said..."

by greencheese79


Party Planner Extraordinaire
Let's party!

by pikcel


The Weewoo and the Neopian Times
The Neopian Times can be enjoyed in many ways

by tatyanne

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