The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Celebrating 1000 Issues of The Neopian Times

by missbeasty

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Great stories!


A normal day for the Fountain Faerie
"Here it is..."

by milalix


Avalanche of Neopian Ideas!
Don't leave it to the last minute. Collab with krowkano

by romina_r


The Hunter & The Betrayer: 1000 Years
"A millennium had passed; time, as it inevitably, always did, moved on. A painful journey for the old and decaying, an impatient one for the youths who wished to experience more..."

by dudeiloled


A Party, A Thousand Years Overdue
"Never underestimate the allure of a free buffet..."

by herdygerdy

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