teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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Avalanche of Neopian Ideas!

by romina_r

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Impossible Dreams
"To everyone who's had a dream..."

by salem_822


One Neopoint. Seriously?
"When Quest Log began, Zariniey became an instant fanatic! She was there at the first hour to quickly complete each quest and collect her bag of 20,000 Neopoints that she would stash away..."

by candylandtheonomy


Rock Bottom
Everybody needs a friend :)

by verggg


A Guide To All Things Neopets: 25 Years Later
Are you a new or returning Neopets player who’s curious to poke their head around and see what has been going on since “The New Era” announcement? Collab with kikepv

by rascle90

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