Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,733,879 Issue: 1000 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y26
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The Weewoos are gone!!

by _angel_852

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One Thousand Days of Procrastination
"After reading the fifth question on the career quiz, Line realizes that this is not going well..."

by purplepeggie


1000 Weewoos on the Wall
If you know the words, you can sing along, too!

by draik_bianca


The Thousand Year Time-Out
"Caylis awoke from a refreshing night's sleep. From the tips of her webbed ears to the caudal fin of her periwinkle-blue tail, the Aisha's body was relaxed, yet full of energy..."

by liouchan


Peachy Keen - 1000 (Comic) Issues!
Celebrating a milestone issue and almost 2 decades on Neopets!

by hisiihi24

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