Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,747,911 Issue: 1001 | 9th day of Awakening, Y26
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We found the following 46 result(s) for the keyword liouchan

Week - 571

A Matter of Perspective
by liouchan
Description: The WORST!

Week - 574

Right back at you
by liouchan
Description: Hey, you!

Week - 593

The Meeting
by liouchan
Description: Just another day at the office.

Week - 594

Unexpected Abilities
by liouchan
Description: While the battle for the Obelisk is raging...

Week - 604

The Old Switcheroo: Part One
by liouchan
Description: Night was falling and the archaeologists were packing up. Now that the Obelisk was sitting in its neatly dug crater, all that was left to do was to clean, sort and pack all the ancient findings which would then be sent to various museums...

Week - 605

The Old Switcheroo: Part Two
by liouchan
Description: "Yo, what's up, my Guildies?" Kanrik called out, giving everyone a peace sign.

His greeting was met with a heavy silence and puzzled stares.

Week - 606

The Old Switcheroo: Part Three
by liouchan
Description: He took a little too long to reply. "I had some errands I wanted to run."

Brynn was getting worried. Hanso wasn't smiling or chattering, and she was starting to think that something bad had happened to put him in such a mood.

Week - 607

The Old Switcheroo: Part Four
by liouchan
Description: "It was going all right, at first! It was fun," Hanso explained, sounding as though he still couldn't quite believe what had happened. "Until... until I... I took off the hood."

Week - 608

The Old Switcheroo: Part Five
by liouchan
Description: Dawn was barely rising, yet Professor Lambert was already awake and fully dressed. Even though all the factions knew that it was in their interest to start the day as early as possible, the Seekers were usually the earliest risers.

Week - 609

The Old Switcheroo: Part Six
by liouchan
Description: Dear Counterpart,

I trust that by now you have understood the nature of our unfortunate condition. I assure you that I have not damaged your body or used it to mar your reputation in any way...

Week - 610

The Old Switcheroo: Part Seven
by liouchan
Description: Dear Diary,

(Hi by the way, I see that I've never called you Dear Diary before and I apologise, I should really be nicer to you and to people in general instead of scowling all the time.)

Week - 611

The Old Switcheroo: Part Eight
by liouchan
Description: Hanso managed to sneak out of the Tournament Hall through a side door. He stretched happily, breathing in the fresh air. Even for someone with so much charisma, it felt good to get out of the spotlight.

Week - 612

The Old Switcheroo: Part Nine
by liouchan
Description: "How dare you treat your king so rudely!" said Hanso in his most regal tone. "Have all of you become unable to recognise my face?"

Week - 613

Snowball Rivalry
by liouchan
Description: "You're going down, Taelia!" 

The Snow Faerie whirled round and squinted into the blizzard, trying to make out the owner of the voice.

Week - 623

Second Chance: Part One
by liouchan
Description: Brynn set the letters down on Fyora's desk. The anonymous notes were composed of newspaper clippings.

"Winged tyrants again."

Week - 624

Second Chance: Part Two
by liouchan
Description: Xandra grasped Hanso's wrists and pulled him closer. Brynn saw him flinch. "I want you to bring it to me," the sorceress hissed.

Week - 625

Second Chance: Part Three
by liouchan
Description: Rasala sighed. "Where to begin? All ancient Faerie lore is in Xandra's possession. She keeps it under tight watch to stop traitor Neopians from using it to become 'tyrants' themselves."

Week - 626

Second Chance: Part Four
by liouchan
Description: "Where do you think you're going?" she hissed before pulling Brynn into an empty corridor. "You can't be seen out there! You've been missing for years in this world, remember?"

Week - 627

Second Chance: Part Five
by liouchan
Description: "Crazy?" He laughed a wheezy, broken laugh. "The whole world is crazy, Brynn. And it's all thanks to me!"

Week - 628

Second Chance: Part Six
by liouchan
Description: "They must not recognise you," he said firmly. "It's bad enough with that Faerie aura sparkling around you. Don't speak a word."

Week - 629

Second Chance: Part Seven
by liouchan
Description: She could feel the void rising up like water around the narrow bridge of solid ground they walked on; cold, intangible things crept out of it, making her fur bristle. She couldn't see them, but she knew they were all around her...

Week - 630

Second Chance: Part Eight
by liouchan
Description: "See what?" The Ixi's face remained perfectly composed. His acting was so good that Brynn nearly believed it. "Are you having more hallucinations?"

Week - 634

Making a Name for Herself
by liouchan
Description: "I have to admit," said the newcomer, "that is the most impressive collection of wings I have ever laid my eyes upon."

Week - 637

Gently Used
by tsuki_the_noodle
Description: They'll never ask to use my stuff again!

Idea by liouchan

Week - 638

Another Round
by liouchan
Description: Hanso could not tell how long ago he had woken up on this forsaken island, his chest covered in glowing yellow runes. Time was not measured in days anymore, but in rounds and challenges...

Week - 666

A Little Help
by liouchan
Description: "Do you mean to say," crooned a cool, silky voice, "that you refuse to give me the Red Poogle Toy that I requested?"

Week - 667

The Way Out
by liouchan
Description: "Soph?" The voice was right outside the door, too. "Are you in there? You can come out now, it's gone."

She didn't move an inch. A few heartbeats' silent wait, then the doors were wrenched open.

Week - 726

Leap of Wraith
by liouchan
Description: "The two of you may share a special bond," said Ziva, gently squeezing Nyx's shoulder. "But Umber Wisp is still a Wraith, Nyx. No one has ever understood them completely."

Week - 881

The Legend of the Sixth Healer
by liouchan
Description: There once was a great warrior in Altador, a master whose skill and power were renowned across the land, whose reverence for the eleven founders was unmatched, and who was even foretold to follow in their footsteps. Delia was her name. It was a name slated to go down in history, until the celebrated warrior was struck by a terrible illness.

Week - 882

The Legend of the Sixth Healer:Part Two
by liouchan
Description: At the fork that would lead her to the pond, her guiding speck of light flickered back to life and pointed hesitantly uphill towards a quarry. Delia followed, alert. The sun was declining. She could not afford to make a long detour.

Week - 895

All hat, no dragon
by liouchan
Description: Night in Neovia did not fall so much as roll over and settle more deeply into the dense, foggy gloom that veiled the formerly cursed town even by daytime.

Week - 896

All hat, no dragon
by liouchan
Description: "L-lady Cecilia? Whatever is the meaning of this? Were we making too much noise?" Some of the Neovians in the more elaborate costumes had edged over to the dragon, whose head and neck still blocked the only door into the banquet hall.

Week - 897

All hat, no dragon
by liouchan
Description: "Fine!" cried a heavily scarred blue Wocky, still twitching to look at the dragon. "This was supposed to be comeuppance for the Non-Circle feeding our precious relics of Nox to the Blobikins! No dragon was supposed to be involved.

Week - 896

Ending on a high note
by liouchan
Description: How to make an exit like a true queen

Week - 905

Sophie's Leave Me Alone Notice
by liouchan
Description: At the edge of the swamp that is home to Sophie the Swamp Witch, there stands a vine-wreathed sign featuring instructions to leave her alone in bold lettering. Behind the sign, forty pages of bark-like paper unfold like an accordion...

Week - 932

The Flash Drive
by liouchan
Description: A flashtastrophe rocks Neopia!

Week - 933

The Flash Drive
by liouchan
Description: Hattie must secure the Chet Flash drive!

Week - 935

How to Study with Friends
by liouchan
Description: Or what to do when you keep gravitating to each other.

Week - 957

A Halloween Chorus
by liouchan
Description: "There was not a single black candle, Petpetpet skull or sugar skull left in Madeline's stash. The spell she was about to cast absolutely required all three ingredients. That would not do!"

Week - 965

Hearth of the Realm
by liouchan
Description: "Young master, you crawl out of the wood pile right now before we have to knock it all apart to fetch you ourselves!"

Week - 972

Is the Tooth Faerie Made of Teeth?
by liouchan
Description: "A shaggy Lupe's head emerged from behind a horrid pastel Ona-shaped chair. Beneath his bushy eyebrows, his yellow eyes flicked left and right, glowing in the gloom of the dimly lit room..."

Week - 980

Don't Ban Hannah
by liouchan
Description: Hannah versus Brynn!

Week - 990

Vertical Transportation
by liouchan
Description: "The Halloween Meerca squinted shrewdly over the folds of her cloak, which she held draped around herself in the fashion of a Korbat's wing..."

Week - 992

The First Crashing of the First Festival
by liouchan
Description: "She took in the Ixi's festival attire, a composition of mesh, glitter, and denim that had gone past the point of distress and into agony..."

Week - 1000

The Thousand Year Time-Out
by liouchan
Description: "Caylis awoke from a refreshing night's sleep. From the tips of her webbed ears to the caudal fin of her periwinkle-blue tail, the Aisha's body was relaxed, yet full of energy..."

Week - 1001

The Thousand Year Time-Out
by liouchan
Description: "The shadow came closer. It was very round. Squinting in the daylight, she recognised it as a giant Gulper. Goregas. From behind it popped her sister..."

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