Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 0 Issue: 1010 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y26
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword kayixu

Week - 576

by kayixu
Description: "Who are you talking to?" the Kougra asked. Instead of answering the Kougra's question, Tumori walked away quickly.

Week - 590

Being Weird
by kayixu
Description: Kalilu finished reading The Magic Paw and the book vanished in a puff of yellow smoke. It was rather hot and humid today.

Week - 614

Decisions, Decisions
by kayixu
Description: "Alright," Kayixu sighed. "Where should our new Neohome be located?"

Week - 620

Finally Found
by kayixu
Description: Alas, the Xweetok's fun and happy life with her owner was short lived. With one last sad glance at her hungry but happy Blue Xweetok, the alien left without a word.

Week - 962

Reawakening Ties
by kayixu
Description: "Lightning flashed and wind howled in a rather cliché display of theatrics. It was a dark and stormy night and all of that. The Meepits were howling for some unholy reason that we pathetic mortals can never hope to understand."

Week - 1008

Not the Best Family Reunion
by kayixu
Description: "In a dark corner beneath a Classic Neohome, amid a labyrinthine laboratory, a molten bunny’s cackling echoed. Leala, her fur currently dark like burnt-out coal, stared gleefully at a computer screen..."

Week - 1009

Not the Best Family Reunion
by kayixu
Description: "On the outskirts of Shenkuu, there was a village. A waterfall poured out from the northern side of the hill it rested upon. Though it was hidden beneath a thick veil of fog, its roar promised doom to..."

Week - 1010

Not the Best Family Reunion
by kayixu
Description: Nixie was a Purple Hissi, with radiant scales and a pointy snout. She had golden, haughty eyes and gleaming fangs, and slept with two daggers beneath her pillow.

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