There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1018 | 4th day of Collecting, Y26
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Triccity's Travels: Mystery Island

by 77thbigby


I’m hungry! Can we get something to eat?” Benny asked his sisters.

     After the exertions of building the sandcastle, I felt my own stomach growl in response.

     “Yes, Benny. We can go get some lunch,” Charlotte told him.

      “And you’re welcome to join us, as well, Tris,” Anna added.

     “That would be wonderful. Thank you.” I accepted their invitation with a smile.

     “What sort of cuisine does Moltara have?”

     “Everything is either lava or gear inspired. I’m looking forward to trying out new cuisine.”

     My new friends led the way down the beach, stopping at a thatched shack open to the sand with a bar and a scattering of tables and chairs. We took our seats while a waiter came to give us menus.

     “I’m newly arrived from Moltara. What do you recommend I try?” I asked our waiter.

     The Green Kougra smiled at me. “E Komo Mai to Mystery Island. We have a lot to offer our visitors. Seafood and tropical fruit are the most popular ingredients used in island cuisine. Whatever you choose from the menu will not disappoint.”

     “Well, I want a burger and fries,” Benny butted in. “And a Blue Cocofizz.”

     “I’ll have a tiki wrap,” Anna decided.

     “And I’ll have a Star Fish Sandwich,” Charlotte put in. She exchanged a look with her sister. “Some sides for the table?”

     Anna nodded. “How about seafood pasta and veggie kabobs?”

     “And lemonade for the table.”

     “I think I’ll have a burger as well and I’ll try the Islandberry Tea,” I said, making up my mind as my friends rattled off their orders. Burgers were familiar to me but the sides and tea would be new.

     Our waiter scribbled down our order and took our menus. “Your food should be out shortly.”

     Benny looked over at me from his seat to my right. “Are you an inventor then, since you’re from Moltara?”

     “I am and while many Moltarans are inventors, not all of us are. Moltara is a city like any other with grocers, clothing stores and the like and the mines of course are a large part of life there as well.”

     “But you’re all underground. That’s still crazy to me,” Benny admitted with a shake of his head.

     “As crazy as it is to me that an entire city exists in the clouds,” I pointed out.

     Benny grinned. “Yeah, it is pretty cool. But it’s just faerie magic not something anyone actually invented. So, what sort of stuff do you invent?”

     “My grandfather owned a repair shop and I helped him with whatever he happened to be working on. We loved trying new ways to do things. We didn’t invent anything like your phones but we did build an airship together.”

     Ann raised her eyebrows. “An airship? Like the flying ships of Shenkuu?”

     I shook my head in a non-committal way. “I’ve heard of those and seen some pictures and I’d have to say no. They both fly but their designs are completely different.”

     It was yet another thing I wanted to see for myself to compare the two. I could have headed for that region fist but I had heard that navigation was especially tricky there. Unwilling to risk the airship so soon, I had opted for an easier route. But, I would reach Shenkuu, eventually.

     “It sounds like you and your grandfather were close,” Anna observed.

     I felt my throat tighten and quickly looked down. I grabbed a napkin and fiddled with it for a moment, trying to compose myself. “Yes,” I said at last, voice tight. I took a beat and tried again. I raised my eyes to my companions. “After I lost my parents, my grandfather raised me. He was the only family I had.”

     Anna reached a hand out to place over my own. “I’m sorry to hear that. That must have been difficult.”

     I shook my head. “No, I was very young, only a toddler, so I don’t remember my parents. For as long as I can remember, it’s always been just me and Grandpappy.”

     “Your grandfather, is he back in Moltara?” Charlotte asked.

     I felt a tremor run through me and my heart squeezed painfully. “He died a few months ago."

     This time, both sisters reached for my hands.

     “Oh, Tris. I’m sorry. Losing a loved one is never easy,” Charlotte said.

     “But to lose your only family in the world? I couldn’t imagine,” Anna said.

     I let them comfort me for a moment before drawing my hands back. “It was my grandfather’s dream to travel Neopia in the airship so now here I am.”

     “Wait, you traveled here in the airship?” Benny asked.

     I nodded.

     Just then, our food began to arrive. I could see the young Moehog practically bursting with impatience. Once all of our meals were served and the waiter left us, he immediately resumed our conversation.

     “Why didn’t you say sooner? I wanna see it!” Benny demanded.

     “Benny!” Anna chided, exasperated.

     I raised a hand in a placating gesture. “I’m not opposed to showing you but I had to land it on a remote part of the island. It was a bit of a trek to get here and I don’t relish the thought of making the walk back so soon.”

     “Tris, you are under no obligation to indulge our brother’s impertinence,” Charlotte said at once.

     “Yes, lets just enjoy our lunch, shall we?” Anna gave Benny a pointed look.

     He huffed impatiently but obediently picked up a fry to nibble on.

     I picked up my own burger. “Let’s see how the rest of the day goes. There’s quite a few things I’m hoping to do while I’m here but if I can mange it, I’d love to show you the airship.”

     “OK!” Benny exclaimed, digging into his meal with gusto.

     I took the first bite of my own burger. I blinked, surprised. “There’s no flavour!”

     “Wha’ are you togging abou’?” Benny asked with his mouth full.

     “Benny!” Anna hissed.

     He quickly swallowed. “My burger is delicious!”

     “No, it’s definitely missing something. And I know just what it needs.” I pulled out the bottle of Red Hot Molten Sauce I had thought to bring with me. “A little taste of home.” I put a splash of sauce on the burger and watched in satisfaction as it sizzled, a puff of smoke rising up. I took another bite. “Much better!”

     “What is that?” Benny asked, fascination and alarm on his face.

     “Red Hot Molten Sauce. No Moltaran meal is complete without it.”

     “I wanna try it!” Benny eagerly extended a fry towards me.

     “Sure!” I dropped a bit of the hot sauce on his fry.

     He popped it into his mouth. After a moment, his eyes widened. “Whoa!” He quickly chugged a glass of lemonade, panting. “That is hot!”

     I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “Is it? Moltaran food is just like that. I didn’t think other regions would be that different.”

     “I don’t think any other region is known for their spice,” Charlotte said.

     “Then it’s a good thing I brought this with me.” I patted the hot sauce bottle affectionately.

     Our meal and our conversation continued, floating from one topic to the next as we learned more about each other.

     “Hey, is my tongue blue?” Benny asked, sticking his tongue out at the rest of us.

     “Benny!” both his sisters exclaimed at once.

     I didn’t bat an eye. In my experience, kids, boys in particular, were just like that. “Yes, it is.”

     “Cool!” Benny grinned. “Some kids at the beach said Blue Cocofizz turns your tongue blue so I wanted to try it.” He quickly snapped a selfie with his new tongue colour on full display.

     His sisters shook their heads at his antics.

     “Anyway, what do you plan to do you after this?” Anna asked, turning her attention back to me.

     Having gone to the edge of the ocean and seen all the fun others were having, I wanted to join in. There were two problems: I didn’t know how to swim and I couldn’t learn in my current attire.

     “One of the things I’d love to do is get in the water but I do believe a change of clothes is in order. If you could kindly point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated,” I said.

     The two sisters exchanged an excited look. “Shopping!”

     “We would love to take you shopping,” Charlotte said, placing a hand on my arm.

     “Mystery Island has a lot of great little boutiques,” Anna added.

     “Well I’d much rather go to the beach to hang out with the other kids. Besides, shopping is for girls,” Benny said with a disgusted snort.

     “Shopping is for anyone who enjoys the thrill of the hunt, finding useful items for themselves or others and at a good bargain to boot. My grandfather-” here my voice cracked but I pushed through it, “loved rummaging through scrap shops for all sorts of bits and bobs we would then use for our inventions. So, you see, Benny, shopping is not just for girls.”

     Benny didn’t look convinced but he didn’t argue. “I guess.”

     “If you’re sure you don’t want to come with us, that’s fine but don’t go past the boardwalk. If we don’t see you before, meet us at the Surf N Sand for dinner at 6:30, OK?” Charlotte instructed her younger brother.

     Benny nodded. “OK.”

     To be continued…

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