Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1018 | 4th day of Collecting, Y26
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Short Stories

The Best Prank of All

On the eve of King Skarl’s Masquerade Ball, the Blumaroo Court Jester prepares for his shining moment. He lays out his jester costume, making sure his bells are all sewn on tight and none of his patches are fraying.

by spukl1
Autumn Adventures

Eleanor the Elephante waved her arms dramatically, waiting for her friend to spot her in the distance. Clover’s face broke into a smile as she spotted Eleanor standing outside of the Plushie Shop.

by maddie_bangz
The Queen Family: Dark Connections

Daydream the Faerie Bori stared at the approaching shores of the Kiko Lake outskirts from the deck of the ferry they took from the Brightvale outskirts.

by gentle_lil_queen
Reia's Quest

Reia walked through the sparkly pink gates to the Faerie festival fairground, looking around in wonder. Neopets of all species and colours were running around, completing quests and bringing junk to recycle.

by peppermintandrea
The Story of Rory

Rory poured over his sewing machine, working on his last finishing touches of his new spectral garb. He had spent hours working on his Halloween costume, gearing up for the new spooky season.

by endisnigh
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"The Story of Rory" by endisnigh
Rory poured over his sewing machine, working on his last finishing touches of his new spectral garb. He had spent hours working on his Halloween costume, gearing up for the new spooky season. The maroon-coloured Flotsam felt like he was finally done and held up his handiwork to inspect for loose stitches or other eye sores. “Looks good! Let’s check it out!” Rory exclaimed to himself and quickly hurried over to his standing mirror to try it on. He pulled the white sheet over his head and examined how the fabric fell. His piercing red eyes stood out against the white background. His costume was the perfect fit, except his tail still hung out in the back. The Flotsam had even sewn a little smile in the front. “I love it! A perfect little ghost,” Rory said with a smile, admiring his work. The Halloween Flotsam had a plan with his new ghostly attire. He always seemed to be getting himself in trouble, pulling pranks and scaring his elderly neighbours. He never had any cruel intentions, he just wanted to have some fun. Rory had toilet papered yards, positioned lawn gnomes to be turned towards the front door to look like they were sentient, jumped from bushes in front of unsuspecting victims…

Other Stories


Top 10 Mutant Neopet Colours
If there's one thing we all love, it's new colours. But one colour a lot of Neopians never think about is Mutant. It's not hard to see why; Mutants were created by Dr. Sloth, and no one wants to be associated with him.

by supert_2


Top 10 Neopian Pranksters
The first day of Collecting has come and gone, which not only signifies that we are making alarmingly fast progress through the year, but also that we are already halfway to the next April Fool’s Day.

by dennykins


The Secret to Apple Bobbing
Today was a good day for apple bobbing. The warm summer weather had transitioned into the first bitter chill of autumn, and the change in season brought with it a fresh batch of tourists.

by dragonair23


Papa always stuck to the gentleman adventurer model — even in the pictures of him shaking hands with the Honoured Mother of the Lutari, he was wearing a cravat.

by quanticdreams


Too Much Laundry
Maybe leave those clothes at the Neopian Hospital...

by prulletje1852


Tavi's Rope
Play it cool...

by lavo0810

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