There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1018 | 4th day of Collecting, Y26
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Top 10 Neopian Pranksters

by dennykins


The first day of Collecting has come and gone, which not only signifies that we are making alarmingly fast progress through the year, but also that we are already halfway to the next April Fool’s Day. The best pranks require meticulous planning, so get some early inspiration in by reading the below list of the top 10 practical jokers across Neopia.

     10. Nick Neopia


     You may be surprised to see Nick Neopia at this position in the list. “Surely,” you might say, “someone who has been involved in not one, not two, but three separate April Fool’s Day pranks should rank higher?” The key element of his placement here is intent. Yes, Nick Neopia is a regular feature of pranks, but his intention has never been to prank, rather, he just has a lot of incredibly bad ideas. From the rebranding of Neopets as Neopetz, to his latest foray into conspiracy theories, Nick Neopia is certainly a mainstay of April Fool’s, but for all the wrong reasons – we’re laughing at him, not with him.

     9. Blumaroo Court Jester


     He tries. He really tries. It’s just that not many of his jokes or pranks are very good. To be fair, he is performing to perhaps the toughest crowd in Neopia (or should that be crown in Neopia), King Skarl. If this was a list of jokers with the thickest skin, he would be right at the top, but it’s not, so ninth place is as high as he’s going to get.

     8. Honest Pete


     Honest Pete is not particularly honest. If you’re not familiar with his work, he is known for putting holes through neggs and selling them as doughnutfruit. Some might deem his behaviour closer to fraud than a practical joke, and well, look, that’s fair.

     7. Tormo Frein


     This Bruce plays for Darigan Citadel in the Altador Cup and is known amongst his teammates as a bit of a practical joker. Whether he’s swapping out Yooyus for lawn bowls or filling his teammates shoes with honey before training, the rest of the DC team is always on guard against Tormo’s pranks.

     6. Punchbag Sid


     Can you imagine being so good at hide-and-seek that you played it for over a decade without being found? Punchbag Sid was hiding so long that people had given up hope of ever seeing him again, and he picked that exact moment to reappear. “Wow!” Neopians thought to themselves, “I guess we can expect to see him around more frequently now!”

     Sid heard these thoughts and promptly disappeared as soon as he had appeared, presumably for another decade of hiding.

     While some may argue that hide-and-seek is not a prank in and of itself, when viewed in the context of him withholding a perfectly obtainable avatar from many Neopians, this green bag of stuffing exemplifies commitment to a joke.

     5. Hoka


     This Kacheek is best known for running the Ugga Shinies shop in Tyrannia, however, he was first introduced to Neopians when he briefly took over the Trading Post from Jhuidah. His short stint in Year 14 was certainly eventful. Hoka insisted that every offer you made on a trade included a dung item, but then also “got confused” and ended up listing your Pets and Neopoints on hand as your offer instead. While many were quick to write him off as an oaf, he knew what he was doing. When users tried to cancel their offers, he presented to them two Tyrannian words, then proceeded to process the trade regardless of what they picked. Hoka knows we don’t speak Tyrannian and uses every opportunity he can to prank us for it. Try visiting him at his shop, and you’ll be greeted with this: “Ugga! Ugg grugga ug shinies. Haha!” He's laughing at us, and he is truly a master of his craft.

     4. Xenia, Master Prankster


     Not much is known about Xenia, Master Prankster, which is why it was difficult to rank her any higher than this. We know she is a witch, and we know she is a Wocky, but there appear to be limited details of her pranks, and I was not able to find anyone who had fallen victim to one. The phrase “Master Prankster” is literally in her name though, so, presumably, she does have a pretty good handle on pranking.

     3. Morton G Firefly


     This Gelert played an integral part in pranking Neopians during Year 12’s April Fool’s season. In one of the best pranks to date, Morton offered users the chance to play a trick on their Neofriends. Users could choose to cover their friend’s Pets in pie, slime, or completely change their species and colour. The best part? It was kept secret, and not announced anywhere (at least not officially). Users were offered the chance to participate by Morton through a random event, so the unlucky victims really had no idea what was going on. Morton even adjusted the Neoboard filters for the day to prevent the secret from getting out. The best prank is a prank you don’t see coming, and Morton G Firefly managed to pull it off.

     2. Xandra


     Speaking of pranks nobody saw coming, Xandra is an absolute pranking legend. She pranked Faerieland so hard, it’s still recovering thirteen years later. Some report she even yelled “April Fool’s!” as she crashed the formerly floating fortress, even though it was November.

     1. Neopets Hint Red Pteri


     Have you ever visited a shop without stock? If so, you’ve met this little monster. Nobody is better at misleading or frustrating than this Pteri. Waiting for the Chocolate Factory to restock? “Chocolate is good. Go to the Chocolate Factory now to get some :)” they will quip with a smug emote, knowing full well you’re already there and there is no chocolate in sight.

     Then there is perhaps their most unhelpful piece of advice: “You can find food randomly over the site, it does happen, so keep trying!” What am I to do, refresh wildly in the hopes of finding food for my starving Neopets? What do you mean by keep trying? How does one try this?

     Restocking can be quite a frustrating experience, and this Pteri knows just how to push the right buttons at the wrong time, which makes them, in my opinion at least, Neopia’s ultimate prankster.

     So, there you have it: my list of the Top 10 best pranksters in Neopia. Hopefully you were able to glean some wisdom from their antics. Good luck with the planning of your prank – the next six months are just going to fly!

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