Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1018 | 4th day of Collecting, Y26
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Would it be possible to change the Colourful Stars trinket to be a Higher Foreground Item instead of a Background Item? I'd love to be able to layer it with my other background items! Thank you for y'alls time. ♥ ~ corinnedigogo
Hello! Yes, it is absolutely possible to change the zone on this item! We have made the proper change, so this item should layer better with other backgrounds! Happy customising! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Dear TNT, I'm sad. My absolute favorite background on the whole site, Magical Land of Jelly Beans Background, doesn't show up on my pet's lookup. My Vandagyre is just floating in the void. Could you please help restore her sugary surroundings? :) ~ ruzica87
Hi there! Thanks for bringing this item issue to our attention! We have made the fixes, so your Vandagyre should now be able to wear your absolute favourite background! Happy Customising! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

i got ptsd from seeing one of my q's getting in 1016. i dunno why. i just got anxiety from seeing it. it just gives me a bad feeling despite this being the first time ive seen this happen. i stopped working on that article i talked about basically the second i submitted the question. i just dont want to see it. ~ anonymous
Hello! I’m sorry for any of the bad feelings and anxiety brought on by sending it into Editorial! You can always ask us to make your username “anonymous”, if that is any help to ease anxiety. (We have gone back and made your previous question anonymous, as well as this one) We love to see users write into Editorial, as well as Neopian Times, so hopefully you aren’t done writing entirely! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Thank you for changing the names of some wearables that had the same names as weapons! Unfortunately, there are still other name collisions, like Jhudoras Wand and most items from the Usuki Doll Mystery Capsule. For reference, Jellyneo seems to have a comprehensive list of item name errors like this. ~ neo_coaster363
Hello! Thanks for bringing more of these to our attention! We have made the proper changes and have fixed the names! Thanks again for writing in! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

(Slides you some hotdogs) So I'm really fond of the Altador Cup commentators, Tobias and Hovri, and have been wondering: what's their non-professional relationship? They seem to be very close when it comes to their career, but are they friends on the off-season? Or? I hope they're close all-around :D ~ cherryd8
Tobias got Hovri his job as co-Altador Cup Commentator, and ever since then, they have been very close. After discovering their mutual love for competition, and by proxy their love for Yooyuball, they decided to move in together to help each other while they both worked to get their degrees in Journalism. They’ve worked side-by-side for many years now and have garnered a loving friendship that can withstand any test! However, that doesn’t stop them from arguing over who gets the first cup of coffee in the morning. /gen ~~Stone

Hi there! In the recent AMA, it was confirmed that users would once again be choosing to side with either Illusen or Jhudora for the upcoming Faerie Festival. Will the Team Jhudora and Team Illusen avatars be made available again? If so, will it be possible to earn both avatars on a single account, or will this year's team avatar replace last year's (in a similar fashion to how the AC avatars work)? Thanks! ~ dennykins
Hello! Yes, the Team Jhudora and Team Illusen avatars will be made available again, and it will be possible to earn both avatars depending on choices made from last year and this year. Hope you have a joyful Faerie Festival! /gen ~~Stone

*hands a plate of faerie cookies* Hi TNT! I love the new Woodland Carmariller, but could it be made paintable for all our existing Carmariller friends? The new Darigan Gruslen and Woodland Mortog appear to be paintable and I think Carmarillers are feeling left out! ~ togepwi
Hello! Thanks for letting us know. Your Carmariller should now be able to be painted into its new leafy form and just in time for autumn! ~~ Adler

I'm a big coffee fan, so I was super excited when I saw the Barista Tuskaninny Drink Tray that was introduced recently. The problem is it does not appear to have actually been released unlike the other items in the wearable set? Is this a mistake? ~ sportyangel3338
Hello there! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Rest assured that your Tuskaninny should now be able to carefully carry those coffees, just in time for Pumpkin Spice season! ~~ Adler

To the person who sees this, what's your fav design for a pet of all time? From when you could take care of Bruce-Forsyth and Macy Gray with a ray gun to the modern day, what's your favourite? ~ anonymous

TNT Snail - Both the Nostalgic Faerie Acara and the Nostalgic Royalgirl Cybunny are personal favourites for designs! As a kid they were dream pets of mine, so seeing them return to the site made me so excited. (In terms of newer Pet designs, I have a soft spot for the Vandagyre! They’re so friend-shaped :') )
TNT Stone - UC Darigan Wocky, UC Robot Ixi, and Mutant Acara!
TNT Adler - Woodland Xweetok and Burlap Shoyru :)
TNT Goldfish in Bowl - Blumaroos and Kougras
TNT Fae - BIIIGGG soft spot for the UC Faerie & Baby Kougra (plus that one basic Kougra pose change that happened for literally like a month after a poll or something? idk I thought it was a fever dream but it wasn’t!!!!) & also absolutely obsessed with the new Nostalgic Grey Xweetok ♥
TNT Miss Rainbow - Pastel Bori!~

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