Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1018 | 4th day of Collecting, Y26
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Finding Something Good at the Money Tree

by serebii251

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Too Much Laundry
Maybe leave those clothes at the Neopian Hospital...

by prulletje1852


Top 10 Mutant Neopet Colours
If there's one thing we all love, it's new colours. But one colour a lot of Neopians never think about is Mutant. It's not hard to see why; Mutants were created by Dr. Sloth, and no one wants to be associated with him.

by supert_2


Autumn Adventures
Eleanor the Elephante waved her arms dramatically, waiting for her friend to spot her in the distance. Clover’s face broke into a smile as she spotted Eleanor standing outside of the Plushie Shop.

by maddie_bangz


Lutari and Landlubbers
Talk Like a Pirate Day may be over for everyone else, but on Krawk Island it never ends.

by periodicage

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