Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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We found the following 43 result(s) for the keyword josephinefarine

Week - 622

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part One
by josephinefarine
Description: "What a day," she thought contently as a pair of giggling youngsters hurried past her. Orlitz had finally achieved her dream job—being a field reporter for the Neopian Times, and was flustered by the fact that she could now tackle her very first reporting assignment for the major newspaper...

Week - 623

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Two
by josephinefarine
Description: "Something is deliberately making the petpets disappear?" Orlitz repeated excitedly, scrambling to find her notepad and a pen in the mud.

Week - 624

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Three
by josephinefarine
Description: "Sparta!" Orlitz groaned, pulling a white blanket over her head. At the foot of her bed was a small gruslen. Playfully, he growled, pulling and scratching the covers.

Week - 625

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Four
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz ran up to where the figure had been standing moments ago. She illuminated the dense foliage of the jungle with her torchlight, squinting...

Week - 626

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Five
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz was anxious to leave for Geraptiku. Set on finding her roommate, Orlitz threw her trench coat over her shoulders, grabbed an umbrella from her closet, and stepped out into the raucous rain.

Week - 627

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Six
by josephinefarine
Description: In a futile attempt to stop the her, Almos tumbled out from behind the bushes after Orlitz and and fell over the Cybunny. The two crashed into the mud, much to the surprise and horror of the three smugglers they had been spying on only moments ago.

Week - 628

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Seven
by josephinefarine
Description: With the smugglers a good way ahead of them, Iskeen—followed by Orlitz, Almos, Vin, and Sparta—raced up a trail...

Week - 685

Five Make-It-Yourself Recipes for Summer
by josephinefarine
Description: When it’s so hot that you’d rather stay inside than go out to eat, try these refreshing treats with your Neopets!

Week - 709

Homemade Recipes for the Holidays
by josephinefarine
Description: I’ve come up with several recipes to prepare at home. Not only do they save me countless neopoints, they also provide a wonderful, authentic alternative for my neopets to enjoy. I will be sharing some simple recipes in the hopes that you too, can worry less about funds and marvel in the comfort of preparing these holiday favorites.

Week - 723

An Old Wive's Tale
by josephinefarine
Description: And that's where omelettes come from

Also by Yellowpagebeatdown

Week - 739

Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part One
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz nodded, noting the chill in the air. They were approaching Neopia Central, and compared to the sunny-all-year-round disposition of Mystery Island, Winter around the rest of Neopia was surprisingly cold.

Week - 740

Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Two
by josephinefarine
Description: A warm ray of light streamed through the small slit between the curtain covering the large cut-up windows. The gentle light awoke Orlitz who hid under the quilts of an enormous bed. A clock on her bedside table notified the Cybunny that it was time for breakfast at the lodge.

Week - 741

Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Three
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz awoke late in the morning after a troubled night of sleep. Yesterday, she had told her friends everything she had discovered at the abandoned cabin, and had even showed them the exquisite crown she had taken from the premises. They all marvelled at the gorgeous head piece, but had little to offer in terms of help.

Week - 742

Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Four
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz had trouble maneuvering her way through the crowds. The platform was so packed with people, she quickly lost the thief in the midst of all the commotion. The Cybunny reached the end of the platform, trying to find the red-headed Aisha, but she was not so lucky.

Week - 743

Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Five
by josephinefarine
Description: To Orlitz’s surprise, Emilia was staying in a room at the lodge, not far from her own. The Cybunny had tailed the Aisha from the restaurant, taking care not to be spotted by the thief.

Week - 744

Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Six
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz was relieved that the lutaris hadn’t spotted her when she hurriedly ushered her friends out of the lobby. She glanced behind her, worried that they would follow. Luckily, they didn’t, which gave Julian a chance to ask who those Lutaris were.

Week - 745

Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Seven
by josephinefarine
Description: They had been rattling dice and moving tiny figurines over a cardboard path for nearly half an hour now. Iskeen enjoyed board games as much as the next Neopet, but her tolerance did have a limit. Besides, it didn’t help that Julian had a competitive streak larger than the Snowager.

Week - 774

Homemade Recipes for Spring
by josephinefarine
Description: Ah, Spring! It’s right around the corner, as gloomy winter days gradually give way to warmer weather and chirping birds fill the trees. As always, I’ve gathered a list of ready-made dishes from stores that are just as enjoyable to prepare and eat at home.

Week - 872

An Adventure into the World of Smoothies
by josephinefarine
Description: Summer is the perfect time to break out the blender and try out some refreshing, vibrant, and delicious new smoothies.

Week - 879

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing
by josephinefarine
Description: In the soft light of the autumn sun trickling in through the port windows, some passengers aboard the SS Delfin were enjoying their breakfast.

Week - 880

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Two
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz knew two things were certain: first, that Erin had vanished. Second, that the welcome center in which she had gone missing was, well, untouched. No sign of a struggle. No hint as to what had crashed. No clue, even, that another neopet had been inside in weeks.

Week - 881

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Three
by josephinefarine
Description: “And you found this note where?”

Week - 883

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Five
by josephinefarine
Description: The tunnel was rather standard, as far as tunnels went. Dark, musty, and cold, Orlitz’s flashlight roamed along its earthen walls. Aside from a few wooden support beams (which looked very old and not at all up to code), the passageway was bare.

Week - 884

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Six
by josephinefarine
Description: Her curly hair was tousled, and she looked terrified. Much to Orlitz’s relief, though, she did not appear hurt. Behind her, a trapdoor had been propped open with a box. The cybunny attempted to open the door, but it was locked.

Week - 885

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Seven
by josephinefarine
Description: “Who on Neopia, orders a pizza at 6:30 in the morning?” Iskeen sat in her chair, rigid with indignation.

Week - 886

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Eight
by josephinefarine
Description: “You need any help with that?”

Week - 887

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Nine
by josephinefarine
Description: “Wait a moment, Or’, start again from the top. Erin was what?” It was Keon who first spoke when he stepped out of the kitchen with a steaming quiche in his hands. He set it on the table, where Orlitz, Iskeen, and Elva were seated.

Week - 888

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Ten
by josephinefarine
Description: Erin was trying very hard not to appear nervous, despite the difficult-to-ignore reality that her plan was unraveling at the seams. Reba stood next to her, and Orlitz was between them, restrained by some rope Erin had found in the carousel’s maintenance panel.

Week - 889

Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Eleven
by josephinefarine
Description: Orlitz and Erin tumbled off their benches as the lights in their gondola blinked on and the ride lurched forward.

Week - 951

The Gnorbu and the Crystal Woods
by josephinefarine
Description: 52 Bika Lane was a beacon to the villagers of Happy Valley. And to some, it was a beacon of an entirely different sort...

Week - 952

The Gnorbu and the Crystal Woods
by josephinefarine
Description: She had dreamt this dream every year, like clockwork, on the eve of her anniversary...

Week - 953

The Gnorbu and the Crystal Woods
by josephinefarine
Description: penultimate chapter

Week - 954

The Gnorbu and the Crystal Woods
by josephinefarine
Description: The heartwarming conclusion

Week - 992

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
by josephinefarine
Description: "Miphie woke up precisely seven minutes before her alarm clock rang. She was, therefore, already vexed..."

Week - 993

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
by josephinefarine
Description: "The Hall of Ceremony was filled with third-year students and Miphie very much wished that some of those grand, arching windows lining the ornate walls would be opened an inch..."

Week - 994

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
by josephinefarine
Description: "'Adequate presentation. Student should focus on applicability and overall spell knowledge.’..."

Week - 995

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
by josephinefarine
Description: "Hours dragged on. Beyond the grimy windows of the bus, the sky was awash in striking summer shades. Crimson and orange. Miphie tried as best she could to relax into the scratchy upholstery..."

Week - 996

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
by josephinefarine
Description: “Twelve heroes of Altador…”

Miphie was staring in dismay into her empty closet.

Week - 997

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
by josephinefarine
Description: Wrapped in her towel, Miphie did her best to look as though she hadn’t just fallen into a pond. Despite her best efforts, a puddle of lake water was steadily growing at the base of the chair.

Week - 998

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
by josephinefarine
Description: "The trees grew so densely together that all signs of Saint Garfir had long vanished behind them. The ginger plant was a compass in Miphie’s hand. Roots entwined with..."

Week - 999

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
by josephinefarine
Description: Swirling rivers of green and golden light cut through the blackness, dancing like wind across the depths. Miphie awoke sputtering and coughing.

Week - 1000

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir
by josephinefarine
Description: "Two years ago, when Miphie was a rosy-cheeked Neophyte at Academia Magika, she had spent her first couple of spare moments exploring the library..."

Week - 1019

For All Ages
by josephinefarine
Description: You're never too old to go Trick or Treating...right? Collab with Neoskulltula.

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All that's Treat is not Trick
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What NOT to Dress as this Halloween
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