Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The local children, with their fur, feathers, or scales, would sometimes stare or whisper when Goryx passed by. Some were merely curious, but others could be cruel. 'Moon boy,' they'd call him, or 'Sloth's leftover.' The words stung, driving Goryx further into his solitary pursuits.

The Best Trick or Treating Locations Around Neopia

With Halloween just around the corner, you and your Neopets need to start planning the best route possible to score all the best goodies in Neopia. While a quick stroll around the Marketplace might seem like the ideal location to gather Halloween treats, exploring all of Neopia and its world might help you bring home a better bounty. Let's explore all the best places in Neopia to trick or treat this year. Brain Tree in the Haunted Woods We’re starting off strong and going to one of the spookiest places in all of Neopia, the Haunted Woods. Nothing screams Halloween more than this haunted forest and the Brain Tree is a prime location to stop and gather some goodies, even if the Tree does ask you for some favours in return. Here you can score a Slime Potion, Bat Pack, or even an Attack Fork. They might not be the tastiest treats around but they’re still pretty cool to have on hand while leaving the woods. Lord Darigan’s Chambers in Darigan Citadel Continuing with the spooky areas, Darigan Citadel is as creepy as it looks. It might take a moment to figure out how to get to the floating island in the sky but once you’re there make sure to head into Lord Darigan’s Chambers and see what type of treats he may have to offer. Fingers crossed he hands out a Darigan Eyrie Cracker, Darigan Eyrie Paw Lolly, or a Darigan Tuskaninny Treat Bag. Who knows, maybe he will even offer you a Darigan Mazzew, it’s kind of cute to look at. Hidden Tower in Faerieland You can't trick or treat and pass up Queen Fyora’s Hidden Tower. This stunning tower is filled to the brim with goodies galore. Take a detour from the spooky areas and be welcome with...

Edible Spooky Foods: Entrées that Won't Eyeball You

We all want to visit the Haunted Woods this upcoming fall season - with cooler weather and upcoming Halloween festivities, everyone is in the mood for carnival games, haunted houses, and pumpkin patch visiting! But this time on your yearly excursion to the Deserted Fairgrounds, you forgot to pack your Light Faerie Sandwich and Faerie Chips! However, your stomach is growling louder than the Esophagor. What is a Neopian to do? Dare to take a visit and pick up a snack at the Spooky Foods stand? The Halloween Bruce shopkeeper is friendly enough, and points you to a spread of all kinds of local snacks. But wait, did that sandwich just slither across the table? I think something just flapped out of that soup, and this lollipop just winked at me! Not to mention, I hear some usual moans coming from the back kitchen... Here is a quick and handy guide to choosing the best (and least queasy) option the next time you visit the Deserted Fairground. While we want to avoid any slithering, slimey, or moaning dishes, this list will point out some of the most safe options. Despite many dishes containing an alarming amount of body parts, there are still plenty of excellent non-eyeball containing options that are quite good and rather charming, encapsulating the unique, fall-themed cuisine of Haunted Woods. After all, you don't fully trust that Bruce shopkeeper - last time, he tried to push me to try a tentacled Octornapie! Here is your guide to avoid heaving up your lunch the next time you decide to visit. Those with a sweet tooth will especially enjoy checking out these many Halloween and spooky themed treats and desserts!

The Best Halloween Parties in the Haunted Woods

Since arriving in Neopia, I’ve spent years sneaking into—er, I mean, receiving invitations to—some of the most exclusive Halloween parties in the Haunted Woods. And it took nearly two decades, but I’ve finally attended them all. With my hard-sought knowledge, I’ve created this master ranking of the top ten Halloween parties in the Haunted Woods. All of them are spooky (it is the Haunted Woods, after all), but some are spookier than others. Some may actually be too spooky for you, and some are barely spooky unless you consider terrible refreshments to be frightening. Whatever you’re looking for, with this guide, you’ll know exactly which parties to hit and which to skip after collecting candy on Halloween.

Other Stories
"Towards the Light" by salem_822
The menacing crackle of energy arcing from Sophie’s raised staff fizzled out as an eerie sense of recognition spread over her. Standing in the doorway, a pale Grey Usul met the threat with a vacant stare. Even without the flicker of Sophie’s magic casting her face in a kaleidoscope of distorted shadows, she was a mere echo of Gilly — a twisted nightmare she couldn’t touch, couldn’t change, couldn’t escape. For an instant Sophie was a frightened child again; surrounded by hollow, ephemeral apparitions of everyone she’d known and loved. Confused, helpless, alone. “Sophie?” A hand grasped hers. Gilly’s. Tangible, solid, real. She carried the haunting impression of a broken doll coming to life, yet the glimmer of genuine concern in her glassy, bloodshot eyes drew Sophie like a flame; a flash of light that penetrated the veil of darkness colouring her perception. “What did you do? What is this?” She shaped her words to be sharp and certain, but they broke apart in her throat— coming out jagged and frantic. “I didn’t do anything! I mean, I don’t know… I woke up and I was like this.” Limp grey ears drooped backwards. “I know; I shouldn’t have bothered you. I’m sorry.”

"All in Vain" by madam_scarlet
“...And the mirror whispered, “There’s only one way to get your beauty back.” A hush fell over the crowd of Neopians, huddled around the fire of the dim bookshop. An emerald-coloured Lenny wearing a witch’s hat sat in an airchair, looking up from the old book. “And the moral of the story is not to put style over substance!” she said, raising a wing. “Never let vanity get in the way of true beauty!” The group of Neopians applauded in the tiny bookshop. Many of them were dressed in festive costumes for the gathering; hats, cloaks and masks. “Thank you all for coming to spooky storytime today!” trilled the Lenny. “And remember, the more books you read, the smarter you get! Why, you might even win the Neopian Book Award!” “Don’t forget, the Autumn Costume Contest is at the Rainbow Pool at 1:00!” announced the Blue Nimmo who owned the bookstore. “The winner will receive a trophy!” The crowd of Neopians murmured excitedly, some showing off their costumes, while others perused the books left in stock. A hooded figure stood near the back of the crowd. She drew her cloak around herself and strode out of the shop, but not before overhearing a brief exchange between...

"The Halloween Curse" by greencheese79
The last place Jerald wanted to visit on Halloween, or any other day for that matter, was the Haunted Woods. Especially at night. His friend Les, however, didn't seem to mind. In fact, Jerald was starting to think Les was enjoying himself. But Lupes, like Les, seemed better equipped at handling stressful situations than JubJubs like Jerald. Their mission was to locate the fifth and final Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bag. They had already spent the entire day scouting Neopia for these sought-after bags, and of course the clue for the last bag led them to the Haunted Woods. Les was dressed up as a Werelupe with tattered clothing and large, over-exaggeratedly sharp teeth. Jerald was dressed up as a pumpkin. He was begining to wish he had chosen something slightly scarier in order to blend in better with his current surroundings. The Yellow JubJub was chewing on this thought as they made their way into the darkened forest. How the trees could still be standing upright after being dead for so many years creeped him out even more. It was undeniably an enchantment: They were literally walking on haunted grounds. He shuttered at the thought. "Okay," started Les. Jerald almost hopped out of his pumpkin at the sudden break in silence.

Spooky Petpets

This week's issue is brought to you by: Spooky Petpets
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Great stories!


The Scariest of Them All
Calm down, Kiko.

by littleari06


The Halloween Curse
Two best friends find themselves deep in the Haunted Woods on Halloween night. What could possibly go wrong?

by greencheese79


The Costume Contest
Can we split the trophy? Collab with bety3475

by _hannah123445_


It was a sister's warning, but the words reminded Skyleur that whatever she had once known about magic, whatever power she used to wield, was lost to her.

by phadalusfish


Edible Spooky Foods: Entrées that Won't Eyeball You
This time on your yearly excursion to the Deserted Fairgrounds, you forgot to pack your Light Faerie Sandwich and Faerie Chips! However, your stomach is growling louder than the Esophagor. What is a Neopian to do?

by drziggs

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