Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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New Series

Magnum Imperium: The Candidate

“I know you care about His Excellency. Are you worried for his health?” Aidan nodded, “Yes, I am. He’s not getting any younger, and they need a twelfth member.

by terpsichorean_writer
The Adventures of Goryx and Xyrog

Thank you so much for reading my series. I hope you enjoyed spending time with Goryx and Xyrog.

by x__synnamon__x
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"All in Vain" by madam_scarlet
“...And the mirror whispered, “There’s only one way to get your beauty back.” A hush fell over the crowd of Neopians, huddled around the fire of the dim bookshop. An emerald-coloured Lenny wearing a witch’s hat sat in an airchair, looking up from the old book. “And the moral of the story is not to put style over substance!” she said, raising a wing. “Never let vanity get in the way of true beauty!” The group of Neopians applauded in the tiny bookshop. Many of them were dressed in festive costumes for the gathering; hats, cloaks and masks. “Thank you all for coming to spooky storytime today!” trilled the Lenny. “And remember, the more books you read, the smarter you get! Why, you might even win the Neopian Book Award!” “Don’t forget, the Autumn Costume Contest is at the Rainbow Pool at 1:00!” announced the Blue Nimmo who owned the bookstore. “The winner will receive a trophy!” The crowd of Neopians murmured excitedly, some showing off their costumes, while others perused the books left in stock. A hooded figure stood near the back of the crowd. She drew her cloak around herself and strode out of the shop, but not before overhearing a brief exchange between...

Other Stories


Towards the Light
The menacing crackle of energy arcing from Sophie’s raised staff fizzled out as an eerie sense of recognition spread over her.

by salem_822


The Tell-Tale Harmonica
My name is Davidroy, a Darigan Techo from the far side of Neovia, but you can call me Dave. This is my tale of obsession, madness, and my dealings with a Dark Faerie on an eldritch Hallow’s Eve.

by mamasimios


Edible Spooky Foods: Entrées that Won't Eyeball You
This time on your yearly excursion to the Deserted Fairgrounds, you forgot to pack your Light Faerie Sandwich and Faerie Chips! However, your stomach is growling louder than the Esophagor. What is a Neopian to do?

by drziggs


All that's Treat is not Trick
The spooky season is upon us once more and gleeful Neopians - young and old - will certainly flood the streets to go out Trick or Treating all over Neopia.

by water_park1993


Costumed Kadoatie
A night and day difference!

by lavo0810


A Totally Fruit-ening Haunted House
A granny smith, baby carrot, cherry tomato, and devil gooseberry walk into a shop...

by cardinally

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