Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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Continued Series


“This is the k’tiin,” said Papa, standing at the front of the classroom, holding a picture of a feather headdress.

(He’d told Roxton that he’d made time to come to Career Day. Years later, Roxton would realize he probably just happened to have an open schedule on that day.)

by quanticdreams

Triccity's Travels: Mystery Island

The three of us girls headed for the boardwalk and our shopping commenced. The two sisters immediately pulled me into the racks, grabbing tops and dresses and draping them over their arms.

by 77thbigby
The Secret to Apple Bobbing

Vandebart wakes just as the sky starts to lighten from black to a dull grey—the only sign that the sun, hidden by the Haunted Wood’s dense treeline, has risen.

by dragonair23

It was a sister's warning, but the words reminded Skyleur that whatever she had once known about magic, whatever power she used to wield, was lost to her.

by phadalusfish
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The Best Trick or Treating Locations Around Neopia

With Halloween just around the corner, you and your Neopets need to start planning the best route possible to score all the best goodies in Neopia. While a quick stroll around the Marketplace might seem like the ideal location to gather Halloween treats, exploring all of Neopia and its world might help you bring home a better bounty. Let's explore all the best places in Neopia to trick or treat this year. Brain Tree in the Haunted Woods We’re starting off strong and going to one of the spookiest places in all of Neopia, the Haunted Woods. Nothing screams Halloween more than this haunted forest and the Brain Tree is a prime location to stop and gather some goodies, even if the Tree does ask you for some favours in return. Here you can score a Slime Potion, Bat Pack, or even an Attack Fork. They might not be the tastiest treats around but they’re still pretty cool to have on hand while leaving the woods. Lord Darigan’s Chambers in Darigan Citadel Continuing with the spooky areas, Darigan Citadel is as creepy as it looks. It might take a moment to figure out how to get to the floating island in the sky but once you’re there make sure to head into Lord Darigan’s Chambers and see what type of treats he may have to offer. Fingers crossed he hands out a Darigan Eyrie Cracker, Darigan Eyrie Paw Lolly, or a Darigan Tuskaninny Treat Bag. Who knows, maybe he will even offer you a Darigan Mazzew, it’s kind of cute to look at. Hidden Tower in Faerieland You can't trick or treat and pass up Queen Fyora’s Hidden Tower. This stunning tower is filled to the brim with goodies galore. Take a detour from the spooky areas and be welcome with...

Other Stories


Faerie City bustled with activity as visitors and residents alike filled the streets to shop or run their errands.

by black_skull725


Cold - A Terror Mountain Ghost Story
There’s no such thing as cold. Maybe someone has told you this before: That cold is just the absence of heat, in the same way that darkness is the absence of light.

by dennykins


The Best Trick or Treating Locations Around Neopia
With Halloween just around the corner, you and your Neopets need to start planning the best route possible to score all the best goodies in Neopia.

by tamimarieb


All that's Treat is not Trick
The spooky season is upon us once more and gleeful Neopians - young and old - will certainly flood the streets to go out Trick or Treating all over Neopia.

by water_park1993


A Void Within Halloween Costume Pack

by truebrony


Lawyerbot in Haunted Woods
Lawyerbot bravely attempts to evaluate the Haunted Woods. Collab with ophiopogon

by fivemilliononly

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