The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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by black_skull725


Faerie City bustled with activity as visitors and residents alike filled the streets to shop or run their errands. A group of faeries waited patiently near the Faerie Castle as Neopets rushed towards them, each carrying a quest item.

     At that moment, a Dark Faerie, a Water Faerie, an Earth Faerie, and the Faerie Queen herself stood in a line as they prepared to receive their quest items.

     A Faerie Eyrie approached the Earth Faerie. She handed the Earth Faerie a bottle of Tears of the Water Faerie.

     “Ah thank you. Wasn’t this more fun than helping a Dark Faerie?” she said.

     At that moment, the Dark Faerie glared at the Earth Faerie. “What’s that supposed to mean, Meaghan?”

     The Earth Faerie continued, “It means exactly what I said. You Dark Faeries are suspicious and all the items you collect make me think you’re up to something.”

     At this point, the Water Faerie also came to the Dark Faerie’s defence.

     “Wow, assuming the worst, aren’t we? How are toys suspicious? And plus, I’m absolutely appalled that your supposed spells constantly require the misery of a Water Faerie. Have you no shame?!”

     “Who cares?” the Earth Faerie shrugged. “You all are just jealous that some pets would rather do my quests.”

     “Ahem!” Queen Fyora cleared her throat loudly. “Meaghan, your remarks here have been highly inappropriate. I believe it is time for me to intervene.”

     The faeries and the pets dropping off quest items all turned towards Fyora.

     “What do you mean?” the Dark Faerie inquired.

     “I have a training course I have all my staff members go through. Basically, it’s a course that reminds everyone that every member of my staff may be different, but they are all my staff members who should accept those differences,” Fyora began.

     “What? I treat everyone just fine. I don’t need that,” Meaghan responded.

     The Water and Dark Faeries both glared at her.

     “I really think you could benefit from this. You might get better quest results if you do.”

     “It’s a waste of my time.”

     “Okay, well, I’m now requiring all quest-giving faeries to attend, and you just happen to be in the first batch of faeries.”

     The Earth Faerie scowled, but she looked around noticing a sizable crowd had gathered, waiting for her reaction. Many of them faeries of other elements, but also pets with quest items. Annoyed by all the stares, Meaghan rolled her eyes.

     “What are you all staring at?! Fine, I’ll do the training. Whatever. I’m done giving quests today,” she said, storming away.

     “What’s gotten into her, Jenna?” Fyora said to the Dark Faerie.

     “She’s been saying those things for a while, Fyora. I just hope this isn’t too late for her to change her ways,” the Dark Faerie said, shrugging.

     The rest of the crowd began to disperse, although journalists from the Neopian Times remained, interviewing witnesses.

     A Blue Lupe floated up in his wingchair, a mobility aid like a wheelchair but with wings for hovering.

     “Geo, please make it quick,” the Queen said.

     “Yes, um, let me just get my notepad out.”

     She waited patiently as Geo reached into his pouch on the side of the wingchair and pulled out a notepad and pen.

     “Could you tell me what happened here? All I saw was the large crowd and that angry Earth Faerie.”

     Fyora sighed with her right hand over her forehead.

     “That Earth Faerie thinks badly of all Dark Faeries and bullies Water Faeries. She is one of the top quest-givers, but that doesn’t excuse her behaviour.”

     “Ah, I think I’ve met her before. Meaghan? So, why is she still giving quests?”

     Fyora folded her arms.

     “Well… she has one more chance to correct her behavior. If she doesn’t, there may be consequences which affect her ability to give out quests.”

     “But Fyora, why wasn’t she asked to attend this training beforehand?”

     “It took me time to put together the training after consulting many others on what ought to be included. I certainly regret not doing so sooner. She hurt a lot of people, and I hope she learns.”

     “What held you up-”

     Fyora held up her hand. “My apologies, I must go now. I have a lot of work to do,” the Faerie Queen interjected.


     Pinkstone Village is a suburban community that straddles the outskirts of southwestern Faerie City. Much of it has houses neatly in a row along narrow lanes often with well-manicured plants in front lawns. Petpets scamper around in the back lawns.

     The population of Pinkstone Village consists of mostly faeries although the Neopet population began to move in more often after the fall.

     Access to the rest of Faerie City requires extensive transit, which meant visitors didn’t come often. Residents find the quiet life attractive though except for the occasional dispute with the dreaded Housing Regulatory Association, which has nothing better to do than decide how one should paint their Neohome.

     Usually, the neighbours keep the peace by mostly keeping to themselves; being nosy is frowned upon. Overall, it is a nice and quiet place for one to settle.


     Meaghan returned to her Neohome in Pinkstone Village and found a Neomail sticking out of her mailbox. The light pink envelope had the official Faerieland shield on the front indicating that the contents was official Faerieland mail. She tore it open and read it.

     Dear Meaghan,

     Welcome to the Faerieland Inclusion Training. We are glad that you have decided to take this journey with us over the course of the upcoming week.

     Faerieland is a place that welcomes all species, colours, elements, abilities, genders, and other backgrounds. Our goal is to continue fostering that level of inclusion in all aspects of Faerieland society. We hope you will find the content engaging and thoughtful as we learn and grow together over the next few days. We believe that our differences make Faerieland stronger and a better place for all.

     Some housekeeping items:

     Please note that we begin promptly at 8:30 AM in Room 202 of the Faerie Castle. The entrance to the building nearest to that is the Faerie Castle Neolodge. Lunch will be provided and served at noon. We will take hourly breaks because we know long training can take its toll.

     If you require any accommodations, please respond to this Neomail and our facilitators will be glad to discuss them with you in private.

     We look forward to seeing you next week.


     Hilde Gonril

     Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity

     Faerieland Office of Inclusion

     Meaghan rolled her eyes and tossed the letter aside.

     “What a cheesy Neomail! Fine whatever, anything to keep that awakened Faerie Queen happy,” she muttered to herself.

     She then went out to her backyard and began tending to her well-kept manicured garden. Meaghan grew quite a few flowers back there, and her garden would likely make any Earth Faerie envious. Her daisies, roses, and geraniums showed their colours vividly in the sun. She stared proudly at her arrangement. At that moment a Puppyblew wandered over into her yard and began sniffing at her flowers and stepping on her grass.

     “What on Neopia? Ugh, that neighbour needs to control their Puppyblew! In fact, I’m gonna go give her a piece of my mind now.”

     Meaghan looked over to the adjacent Neohome. A Fire Faerie there hummed to herself as she placed her hand into a charcoal grill. Seconds later, flames emitted from her hand. With the grill now lit, she placed her Ransaurus Steaks on it. The immediate sizzle satisfied her; her spell to instantly bring the grill to temperature worked.

     “Did you also have a spell that instantly cooks them to perfection? I’m really hungry already,” said a voice. A Dark Faerie soon emerged from the back door onto the patio where the grill sat.

     “Don’t encourage her, I’d have to put a fire out otherwise,” said a Water Faerie who also slithered out of the same door.

     “Patience, my dears. You wouldn’t get the satisfying sizzle with a silly cooking spell. Does the Soup Faerie use a cooking spell?”

     At that moment, Meaghan stormed into their yard. Trying to keep the peace, the Fire Faerie immediately stepped forward and spoke.

     “Hello Meaghan, hope you’re having a good day. Why don’t you join us? We have plenty of food.”

     Meaghan glared at the Fire Faerie. “Alina, your Puppyblew is lovely, but can it not trample my plants?” she retorted.

     “My apologies, he does that sometimes. Can I help replace them?” Alina asked.

     Meaghan rolled her eyes. “No, these are special flowers I worked hard to arrange and the magic I put into them too!”

     Alina hung her head slightly. “Look, I’m really sorry about this. I’m in the middle of having company over, but I promise I’ll work with you to replace those plants. You have my word.”

     “That’s my next thing, you seem to keep interesting company.”

     Alina placed her hands on her hips.

     “Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?”

     The Fire Faerie motioned for her friends to go back inside. However, they had other ideas.

     “No, no. I want to hear what she has to say about us. If she wants to say it, let her say it to our faces.”

     “Y-yeah, what’s the b-big idea anyway? W-we’re just... just having dinner. The weather is... nice,” the Water Faerie said nervously.

     “That was a bit rude, Dark Faerie. But I’ll let that one slide since I don’t know you well,” Meaghan sneered.

     “Excuse me. I was just asking you to talk to us rather than about us,” the Dark Faerie responded.

     “Ugh. You Dark Faeries are so rude,” Meaghan continued. “And what’s your Water Faerie friend scared of?”

     “Now hold on, she’s a good friend of mine and we poke fun of each other all the time,” Alina shot back. “And can you please not lower your voice? My Water Faerie friend would appreciate it.” Alina stared back at her grill and flipped the steaks. She also added some vegetables to grill. Meaghan continued to glare at them, but words eluded her.

     Upon hearing the commotion, the other neighbouring faeries and Neopets came out of their homes to observe. A Light Faerie floated over to them. She rolled her eyes as she saw Meaghan and sighed.

     “Is she bothering you?” the Light Faerie inquired.

     “No, I was just pointing out real issues,” Meaghan said defensively, folding her arms.

     The Light Faerie turned toward Alina who nodded slightly. She turned back toward Meaghan and folded her arms disapprovingly.

     “Leave them alone, or I’m going to tell the royal guard. I heard about the incident earlier.”

     Other Neopets began to gather and many of them shook their heads in disapproval as Meaghan continued to complain. A Faerie Xweetok and a Split Kyrii rolled their eyes and sighed. The Xweetok then pulled out a camera and began recording. This irritated Meaghan.

     “Put that away! You have no right to record me!” she screeched.

     Nobody seemed to heed her warning.

     “Do you all hear me?! I’m going to involve the authorities if you don’t put that away!” she shouted and inched closer to the crowd.

     Alina ignored her as she began to remove her steaks from the grill and onto plates. The Water Faerie began to cry after Meaghan continued to yell at them, prompting Alina to stand her ground firmly. “Can you please get off my lawn now?”

     “Fine, whatever. You all can live in your own little world. "I don’t ever want to see that Puppyblew again,” Meaghan quipped, storming away.

     Alina went over to console her friend, wrapping her in a hug.

     “There there, Lynn. The mean Earth Faerie is gone.”

     “I heard Fyora made her go into training to learn about how to treat people better. Fyora knows if it’ll work,” the Light Faerie said.

     “Uhh… thanks Monica. Would you like some dinner?” Alina asked.

     “Oh umm… I already ate but hope you all can enjoy dinner in peace now.”


     The following week, Meaghan turned up at the training class. Although she once again expressed to Queen Fyora she did not need such training, Queen Fyora warned her again that not doing so would jeopardize her status as a quest-giving faerie.

     She had not spent much time at the Faerie Castle other than the occasional Faerie Festivals that Fyora had hosted there. Nor had she ever stayed at the Neolodge there. She found the entrance easily though.

     “I assume you’re here for the training? Through those doors and to the right,” said a Faerie Draik standing guard at the door.

     “Yeah thanks, it’s not like I wanted to be at this stupid thing,” Meaghan scoffed.

     The Draik rolled their eyes. “I’m just a security guard working for Fyora…”

     “Doesn’t it irk you that you must go to this training eventually too? You could be doing other…”

     “Look, can you just be on your way please? There are a few guests behind you, and I’d like to help them.”

     “Fine!” Meaghan said curtly before stomping away.

     By the time she made it down the hallway to the classroom, the class had already started. She pushed the door open and entered.

     “Oh hello, you must be Meaghan, please have a seat,” a Light Faerie said. A Dark Faerie pulled out a seat for Meaghan in the front row. In total, the room had three rows of tables and four seats per row, two on each side of an aisle. Several familiar faces filled the seats including Baelia the Grey Faerie, Seshatia the Library Faerie, and a couple pets from Fyora’s staff, Varia and Nephrite.

      “Ugh, why do I have to sit up front?” Meaghan grumbled to herself.

     “Good morning! My name is Larissa and my counterpart there is Janice,” the Light Faerie began.

     Janice, the Dark Faerie, smiled and waved at the class. “Hello!”

     “Today, we are going to start off with talking about elements. In Faerieland, you see faeries of different elements and some who choose not to be tied to any particular element. We know that each element has different abilities and oftentimes there are cultural differences between them,” Janice continued.

     “However, every faerie, regardless of their element or lack of element deserves dignity and respect and to be treated like how we want to be treated,” said Larissa.

     At this moment, Meaghan’s hand shot up. Janice gestured towards her and asked, “Yes Meaghan, do you have a question?”

     “How come most of Neopia’s villainous faeries are all Dark Faeries then?”

     Others in the room winced and Varia let off an audible gasp. Janice, however, seemed to keep her cool and she calmly responded.

     “Well, we can’t allow the behaviour of a few Dark Faeries define an entire group of well-intentioned Dark Faeries who have never thought of committing the same level of acts that, say, the Darkest Faerie did.” The others in the class nodded.

     Then Baelia stood up out of her seat. “Yeah, I’m angry at the Dark Faerie who cursed me and caused me to lose my wings, but Dark Faeries have come to my aid before too,” Baelia stammered.

     “Okay, but every time someone is turning in a quest item, they seem to act so rude to other Neopets,” Meaghan shot back.

     “Um, they are joking about harmless things most of the time,” Varia said.

     “Turning someone into a Blechy is harmless?”

     “Alright! That’s enough,” Larissa interjected. “As Janice said, we cannot allow one or two faeries to define the entire group of faeries.”

     “Whatever, forget I said anything,” Meaghan said. For the rest of the morning, she kept silent but kept her arms folded in annoyance.

     When they got to lunchtime though, the facilitators went over to Meaghan who was quietly enjoying her Bark Taco at a round table in the Neolodge lobby.

     “Can I help you?” she asked as they approached her.

     “We’d just like to inform you that the discussion you started this morning was not an appropriate remark to make,” Janice began.

     “We know this is a training class, and that this is a learning process. However, we are going to have to ask that you avoid making remarks about entire groups of people, that is, we would ask that you stop painting them with a broad brush.”

     Meaghan folded her arms and stared straight ahead, furling her eyebrows.

     “Well, if you’re all offended, then I don’t know what to tell you. I never said you were a bad Dark Faerie either. You, Janice, seem to be one of the good ones, working for the Faerie Queen.”

     “Again, painting with a broad brush,” Larissa warned.

     “Whatever, at your request, I’ll try not to do it again. Now I’d like to finish my meal.”

     Janice and Larissa sighed, heading back towards the classroom.

     “She’s quite the handful. Queen Fyora was right,” Janice commented.

     “While I would normally avoid being skeptical, I don’t know if this training is going to work on her,” Larissa said, nodding.

     As the two arrived at the classroom, an unexpected guest greeted them.

     “Good day to you, Larissa, Janice,” Queen Fyora said.

     “Hello Queen Fyora, what can we help with?” Janice asked.

     “Well, I think you might have a hunch of what I’m about to ask. Did Meaghan show up to the class?”

     Larissa and Janice looked at each other and back over to the Faerie Queen. Their faces dropped, and their ears drooped, tipping Fyora off to the futility of the situation.

     “Well, she physically showed up,” Larissa began.

     Fyora nodded slowly as she mulled over her statement. She patted both faeries on their shoulders.

     “I got it. I know it’s a lot to ask, but please hand me a full report of her behaviour after the class is over. In the meantime, I’m sorry to put you both through dealing with her. But I must prove that I gave her one last chance.”

     “Understood, yeah, she’s been saying pretty awful things about Dark Faeries, and I’m concerned about further outbursts,” Janice continued.

     Fyora gave Janice a hug. “I’m sorry, had I known she would- you can step aside from this class if you need to.”

     “It’s alright, Fyora. I’m here to support this program and am willing to see this through. Someone has got to stand up to her.”

     “Well, if, you’re sure. Just please let me know if I can help with anything?”

     As the Faerie Queen disappeared down the hallway, the facilitators headed back into the classroom. A few minutes later most of the students returned to their seats although Seshatia appeared to be missing. After about five more minutes, she showed up and sat down in her seat behind Meaghan. She removed her crutches and slid them under the desk.

     As Larissa opened her mouth to speak, Meaghan decided to make another unsolicited remark.

     “Why don’t you use your wings to get around?” she blurted towards Seshatia.

     The Library Faerie stared at Meaghan with a look of disbelief.

     “What’s wrong? I was just suggesting...”

     “I don’t really owe you an explanation, but my condition affects my flight,” Seshatia shot back.

     Meaghan, appearing unsatisfied, continued to speak.

     “Well, what about a wingchair or a wheelchair?”

     “I think I understand my own condition and have chosen the mobility aids that work for me. Now please stop making suggestions,” Seshatia responded curtly, giving Meaghan a stern glare.


     “Ooookay class, let’s talk about our next topic which is about accessibility and visible and invisible disabilities,” Larissa interjected. “Janice, would you like to tell us the differences between visible and invisible disabilities?”

     “Sure! A visible disability is a condition that impairs one’s ability to live a normal daily life that others can see. An invisible one is one that others may not see which can make it more difficult for others to recognise.”

     "And the goal is to make sure we properly accommodate both when it comes to accessibility.”

     Larissa’s voice trailed off as Meaghan raised her hand. She closed her eyes and muttered “Fyora help me” to herself.

     “Yes, Meaghan?” Janice said.

     “I’m trying to accommodate Seshatia here, but she won’t take my advice, what should I do?”

     Once again, this set off another round of audible gasps at the Earth Faerie. Baelia appeared to be distressed by the comment and buried her face in her hands. Varia and Nephrite looked at each other and groaned.

     Seshatia sighed and shook her head. She put her head down in dismay. Janice and Larissa took a few steps toward Meaghan and her.

     “She has found a system that works for her, and we should not assume that we know better,” Larissa said calmly.

     “If she wanted advice, she would ask for it,” Janice added.

     “But what if she doesn’t know what to ask for?”

     “Can we resume the class and talk about this later privately?” Larissa suggested.

     “Why does everyone here dismiss my concerns?” Meaghan continued.

     “Meaghan, we warned you not to have another outburst.”

     “This is not an outburst, I’m pointing out the facts that you are all singling me out.”

     Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and then without anyone approaching the door, the Faerie Queen invited herself in.

     “Meaghan, come with me” Fyora said firmly, furrowing her eyebrows.

     Janice and Larissa nodded at the Faerie Queen. Janice looked over and mouthed a “Thank you” to her.

     “Where are we going?”

     “Outside to have a conversation about your behavior. Please cooperate.”

     Queen Fyora barely restrained her anger as she walked over and stood next to Meaghan. She gripped her staff tightly and lifted it, as if she was about to point it at Meaghan. “Now, let’s go.”

     “Fine fine! Just don’t drag me out.”

     The Earth Faerie followed Queen Fyora out the door as Varia seemed to start clapping, causing the others to follow suit.

     Larissa made a half-hearted attempt to shush them but found the clapping satisfying.

     “Finally, we can continue the class in peace,” Janice muttered.

     Queen Fyora led Meaghan into a private meeting room with a small desk in the middle.

     “Sit,” she said, motioning at a chair on one side. She sat down across from her on the other side.

     “Look, I didn’t mean to offend-” Meaghan began.

     Fyora held her hand up and shook her head.

     “I just have to ask, why do you keep doing this? Like why can’t you respect the differences of others?” she asked.

     Meaghan folded her arms, smacking her lips and sighing.

     “I respect others just fine, it’s their fault that they keep taking offense.”

     Fyora stood up and paced back and forth.

     “No, you seem to look for ways to avoid accommodating others. You assume that all Dark Faeries are evil, and you tried to give advice that Seshatia did not solicit. She informed you she would prefer you did not and then you willfully kept that train going. I’m sorry, but I can no longer trust you with the important task of issuing quests. Questing is a task that involves Neopians of all backgrounds and a failure to respect a particular background will jeopardize our progress.”

     Meaghan’s eyes suddenly widened. “Wait, then what shall I do with my time?”

     “I would prefer you used the time to re-evaluate your narrow thoughts, but you’ve proven not to do that thus far.”

     “Hmph, fine, I don’t want to give stupid quests anyways. Now can I go? I’m done with this conversation.”

     “I think we are done here then.”

     “My other like-minded faerie friends will hear about this!”

     Fyora shrugged. “I’ll deal with them too then.”

     “Fine! I’d like to see you try!”

     Meaghan grabbed her things and stormed out of the room. While Queen Fyora had banned her from giving quests, Meaghan was correct in that other Earth Faeries still ask for Tears of the Water Faerie and believe Dark Faeries are evil. That said, the training has been mostly positively received and hopefully will help make Faerieland a more inclusive realm.

     The End.

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