Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,890,909 Issue: 1019 | 18th day of Collecting, Y26
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Triccity's Travels: Mystery Island

by 77thbigby


The three of us girls headed for the boardwalk and our shopping commenced. The two sisters immediately pulled me into the racks, grabbing tops and dresses and draping them over their arms. They placed various pieces against me or each other to see how they looked.

     “Ooh, this would look great on you!” one or the other would say.

     “I’m not actually looking to change my style,” I reminded my friends. “Just something suitable for swimming.”

     “Right. In that case, the swimsuit section is over here,” Anna said, leading me to a far wall.

     I was a little taken aback by just how much selection was available. I was also a little off put by the rather revealing nature of the swimwear.

     “Is something wrong?” Anna asked, reading my expression.

     “Is all of the swimwear like this? Or is there anything with a little less…exposure available?” I expressed my discomfiture as delicately as I could.

     The faerie Moehog’s gaze took in my long sleeves and ankle-length skirt and then the small scraps of material that constituted the swimsuits on display and understanding dawned. “Ah, I see. Yes, swimsuits come in a variety of styles, just like other clothing.” She wandered down the aisle a bit before plucking a suit from the rack. She turned back to me. “How about one like this?”

     The swimsuit she presented was a top with only thin straps and no sleeves with a pair of shorts. They both looked better suited to undergarments but it was better than the other suits. I really wanted to go swimming and everyone else I’d seen was comfortable in even less. If that was all there was, I would just have to make the best of it.

     “Let me try it on,” I said, extending a hand to accept the suit.

     The suit was made out of a soft, slippery, stretchy material. I assumed it was a material that was either water-resistant or one that wasn’t weighed down by the water when wet. I stepped into a nearby changing room and put the suit on. I was uncomfortable having my arms and legs bare but the suit was otherwise comfortable and covered all of the necessary things. I cast my critical gaze over my reflection one more time before making up my mind.

     This would have to do.

     I quickly changed back into my clothes and rejoined my friends.

     “Well, what did you think?” Anna asked.

     “I’ll take it,” I said.

     “That’s great!” Anna smiled at me. “And, given that you’re used to showing less, I thought this would also be a good idea.” She held out what looked like a thin, knee-length robe with long sleeves.

     “Oh yes!” I accepted the robe. “This would be nice.” I looked at my friends. “Any idea on how to find a swim instructor?”

     “We don’t know of any offhand but the management for our bungalow may be a good place to start,” Charlotte said, already pulling out her phone.

     A couple of phone calls later, a swimming lesson had been arranged for me in half an hour. I spent a few more minutes with my friends before making my purchases and heading for the section of beach where my lesson would take place. There was a changing hut where I quickly put on my new suit. I was careful to store my clothes, including my Red Usul tail bow and my inventor’s goggles into a hobo bag I’d bought for just this purpose. This section of beach was quiet so I didn’t wear my robe but still, I peeked around to check the coast was clear before exiting the hut. I felt completely exposed and suddenly nervous about the whole thing but it was too late as I saw someone waiting for me.

     My nerves settled as I saw that my instructor was a fellow female Usul. This would make it far easier for me to learn how to swim from someone of the same species and I wouldn’t have to worry about feeling uncomfortable in front of a male ‘pet, regardless of species.

     “Tris?” the disco Usul asked with a smile.

     “Yes,” I answered with a relieved smile of my own.

     “Meadow,” she said, offering me a hand to shake. “I understand you’re here for a swim lesson.”


     “Do you have any experience with water?”

     “I’m from Moltara so no.”

     “Not a problem. I’ve been teaching Pets how to swim for the past year. I’ve seen varying degrees of ability and comfort. I’m willing to go at your pace.”

     We stood at the water’s edge, the waves lapping at our feet.

     Meadow looked over at me. “Have you ever been in water before?”

     I shook my head.

     “Take your time. The water here is shallow, about waist height. The ground is sand and the current is gentle so you don’t have to worry about losing your footing.”

     My instructor entered the water with easy confidence, watching me patiently.

     Not one to hesitate, I followed. I tensed at the unfamiliar sensation of water soaking through my fur and to my skin. The water was cooler than I thought it would be. As I moved deeper, the resistance was minimal and I felt buoyed by it.

     “If you’re ready, the first thing I’m going to teach you is how to float,” Meadow said.

     “Alright,” I said.

     “The good news is that our fur is naturally buoyant and our tails especially can help keep us afloat and help us steer.”

     Over the next hour, Meadow taught me how to float and move my body through the water. She was a good teacher and I learned quickly. Having given me the basics, she said all I needed was practice. Lesson finished, I parted ways with Meadow and decided to let the sun dry me off. Gaze on the horizon, I took a few moments to reflect on my day thus far.

     It certainly had been quite a day. I had seen and experienced so much already and the day wasn’t even over yet! Excited as I was, I also felt a tug on my heart. I shouldn’t be experiencing all of this on my own.

     “I wish you could be here with me, Grandpappy,” I said softly.

     A gentle breeze swept off the sea, ruffling my almost dry fur. If I closed my eyes I could almost hear his laughter.

     “What are you doin’ sittin’ around, girl?” he’d say. “We’ve things to do and time’s awastin’!”

     My eyes opened, a single tear slipping down my cheek. I small smile found its way onto my face. “Alright, Grandpappy. I’ll get going.”

     I rose to my feet, dusting the sand from my fur and suit. I had opted not to change into my regular clothes just yet, uncertain what the rest of the day would bring. I slipped on a pair of sandals I’d also bought called flipflops. I headed back towards the main beach, wondering if I would see any of the friends I’d made earlier that day. I hadn’t made it far before I got my answer.

     “Hey, Tris!” Benny called, waving his arms over his head to get my attention. “Come and play with us!”

     He was with a group of other young Pets, all of them standing around a long, narrow net stretched across the sand. One young Tuskaninny was holding a white ball in one large hand.

     “I don’t know how to play this game,” I said.

     “Its easy. You just hit the ball back and forth over the net,” Benny explained.

     “Well that does sound easy. I’d love to join!”

     I wound up on Benny’s team and as I watched the younger Pets I quickly picked up how to play. We darted across the sand, keeping the ball in the air and hitting it over the net to other team. There was a lot talk and laughter as we joked and teased each other. This was a fun game! Our team didn’t win but there were no hard feelings as it was just between friends anyway.

     Some of the young Pets broke off into smaller groups for other activities but the young Tuskaninny that had been on the winning team stopped to talk with me.

     “Benny said you have a ship. My dad has a harbour you can secure your boat at,” the Tuskaninny offered.

     “That’s kind of you to offer but its not that kind of ship. Its an airship,” I explained.

     “Oh.” The Tuskaninny gave me a curious look. “How big is it?”

     “Its about twenty-five feet long, bow to stern.”

     “The harbour can easily handle a ship that size.”

     “Right, I’m sure it can but my ship can’t float in water.”

     “That’s not a problem. We’ve got storage on land, too.”

     “That could work then but I’ll have to check it out for myself first.”

     “Sure. We can go now if you’d like.”

     “Let’s go.”

     Benny opted to stay on the beach while Rokkson (the young Tuskaninny), and I headed up the shore for an area where dozens of boats were moored. He led me past them to a large, open lot where I could see boats were also kept.

     “This is it. Will this work for you?” Rokkson asked.

     “Where would I land my airship?” I asked.

     “Given its size, I’m thinking it could go there,” Rokkson pointed to an open stretch of ground with no other structures nearby.

     “Yes, I think this will work.”

     “Is your ship nearby?”

     “No, I had to walk a ways to get here.”

     “Where did you leave it?”

     “On a secluded beach surrounded by a high cliff on the northeast side of the island.”

     “I think I know where that is. Its much easier getting there by boat. I can get you there in half the time.”

     “That would be great!”

     Rokkson led me to a nearby boat in the water where an unfamiliar White Petpet that looked rather like a Lutari was lounging on the bow. She awoke with a sleepy chirp and looked at us. Rokkson handed me a puffy orange vest to put on.

     “What is this for?” I asked, studying the vest.

     “It’s called a life jacket. It’s a safety precaution to wear a life jacket while in a boat. If you accidentally fall into the water while aboard, the life jacket will help keep you afloat,” Rokkson explained, clicking his own life jacket firmly into place as he did.

     “And who is this?” I asked with a nod towards the strange Petpet.

     “This is my Petpet, Winter,” Rokkson explained. Turning to her, he said, “We’re going for a ride, Win.”

     “What kind of Petpet is she?” I asked while I secured my life jacket.

     “She’s a white Lutra,” Rokkson answered while starting up the boat. He turned to look at me. “Probably best if you stay seated. The boat moves fast and I don’t want to risk you falling overboard.”

     “Understood.” I immediately sat in the nearest seat.

     Rokkson expertly steered us out of the harbour and around the coast. The boat raced across the water at a thrilling speed, the wind whipping past us. Rokkson gave a bit of commentary on the world beyond the island, mentioning Maraqua (a region I was prohibited from visiting for obvious reasons) and Krawk Island (an island overrun with pirates and a place to be avoided at all costs) somewhere beyond the horizon. He also shared a little of his personal history. Overall, it was a pleasant trip made in good company.

     Sooner than I expected, a familiar beach came into sight, the airship right where I had left it earlier that day.

     Rokkson steered as close to shore as he could manage. “I’ll have to let you off here but the water isn’t that deep. I’ll meet you back at the harbour?”

     I nodded, slipping off the borrowed life jacket and my flip flops as I prepared to hop over the side of the boat into the water. “Yes, that’s fine.”

     “How fast does your ship go?”

     “About thirty-five miles an hour.”

     “A little faster than my boat can go so no need to wait for me.”

     We parted ways then and I quickly waded to shore, thankful that I hadn’t changed back into my regular clothes. This would have been a far more daunting task weighed down by my boots and skirt, short a distance as it was. I shook off as much water as I could and wrung out my tail to minimize the drip as I entered the airship. I quickly grabbed a towel to clean up after myself before clambering up to the flight deck. In mere moments I was airborne.

     It was an uneventful journey and while it had its perks, I could see why Pets enjoyed boating, too. It took a bit of manoeuvring but I managed to land my airship in its new location without mishap. As I disembarked, I saw Rokkson coming up.

     “Where are you headed now?” Rokkson asked.

     “I think I’ll head back to the beach.”

     “Sounds good. I’ll go with you.”

     Back at the beach, I tried out my new swimming skills and splashed around some more with Benny and his sisters, who had finally finished shopping. We got a bite to eat back at Surf N Sand for dinner. We listened to the Hikalakas, a local band. We talked about our plans for the next day.

     “I hope to take a tour of the island,” I said.

     “We took a tour yesterday but we hope you enjoy it,” Anna said.

     “Its getting late. Shouldn’t you be headed back to your airship? I don’t want you wandering the island in the dark,” Charlotte said.

     “Not a worry anymore. Rokkson, one of Benny’s friends, offered his father’s harbour for the airship to stay. I moved it this afternoon.”

     “You did?” Benny immediately perked up. “That means I can go see it now, right?”

     “Its been a long day. If you’re not up to it, Benny can visit the airship another time,” Charlotte said.

     “We’ll be here all week. There’s no hurry,” Anna added.

     “Its fine if we do it now. You’re all welcome to visit,” I said.

     “If you’re sure, then yes, let's go,” Charlotte said.

     “Yes!” Benny exclaimed with an exultant pump of his fist.

     “After hearing about it all day, I’m interested to see it for myself,” Anna admitted.

     “Well, I hope we don’t disappoint,” I said.

     We left the beachside restaurant and I led the way to the harbour. The sun had set during our meal but the island hadn’t wound down a bit. Tourists and natives alike were still out in droves, gathering around bonfires on the beach with fruity drinks in hand. If I hadn’t just left the satisfying Hikalakas performance, I would have been tempted to join them. Though, eventually, we reached the harbour.

     Flight of Fancy, my grandfather’s dream made real, stood tall in the well-lit boatyard. Behind me, my friends gasped in awe as they saw it. She truly was a sight to behold. While not very long, she was about forty feet tall, with a smooth canvas as her balloon and a wood and brass vessel below. Once again, I felt an odd rush of pride and longing: proud to be her captain but wishing Grandpappy could have been there with me.

     “This way,” I directed my friends as I headed for the vessel’s entrance.

     I stepped aside to let them enter first before I gave them a quick tour. There really wasn’t much to see. Built for just two occupants, Grandpappy and I hadn’t needed or wanted much space. The living quarters consisted of a kitchenette, seating area, bathroom and a bedroom.

     The second level of the airship was the flight deck: a bare, glass-walled expanse with the flight controls at the bow. Currently grounded in a boatyard, there wasn’t much to see beyond the lights.

     “The view must be incredible from the air,” Charlotte said, sounding wistful.

     “Can you take us for a ride in your airship?” Benny asked me eagerly.

     “It’s a little late for that today but maybe after my tour tomorrow?” I suggested.

     “That would be amazing!”

     “Yes, thank you for offering us such an incredible opportunity,” Anna said.

     “Of course! You’ve given me a great first day out of Moltara. I want to return the favour,” I said.

     My friends left shortly after. I began my night routine, thinking about everything I’d experienced that day. I spent some time writing out my reflections before getting into bed. I looked forward to the next day!

     To be continued…

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