Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1021 | 15th day of Storing, Y26
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Cake or Fake?

by lunensis

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Your Guide to Gifting with Pirate Pets
You're so excited! It's almost the Month of Celebrating, and you're super ready to drink some Orange Flavored Borovan, eat an Aisha Angel Cookie, and choose fun gifts for all your Neopets and friends.

by thesecondringbearer


The History Of Petpages
Old petpages are a time capsule into the early days of the Neopets community and of older art styles. It's a perfect display of how coding pages have changed over the last 20+ years.

by coolkaius


A Crowded Birthday
The more the merrier, there's enough food for everyone!

by supertualet


The Secret to Apple Bobbing
Ladies, gentlemen, and gentlefolks, I am nothing if not an honest man…” Vandebart intones, committing the words to memory as he enters the Soapbox.

by dragonair23

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