Meow Circulation: 98,096,637 Issue: 194 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y7
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We found the following 17 result(s) for the keyword fierwym

Week - 178

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part One
by fierwym
Description: Let's say that there is a knight who has forgotten his vows, and one not a knight who follows every code a knight should. Who is more a knight, the one in title, or the one in heart?

Week - 179

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Two
by fierwym
Description: She was not meant to be a statue, she told herself over and over. She was to be a knight.

Week - 180

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Three
by fierwym
Description: "Squire," he hissed, and she looked him straight in the eye. "Do you realize what your trespass does to your prospect of becoming a knight?"

Week - 181

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Four
by fierwym
Description: He had learned how to use his sword of a horn, and when to use it. Learning all this before he even became a squire, Tamal was an intimidating knight.

Week - 182

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Five
by fierwym
Description: Avari had shown that she was the true knight that Meridell needed. His heart was now at war: should he allow the girl to become a knight, or refuse her?

Week - 183

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Six
by fierwym
Description: "Now that the traitor has told Meridell of our plans," said Blake, "we will have to make new ones, and quick. The army They promised won't wait if we tarry."

Week - 184

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Seven
by fierwym
Description: "The other side of the world," whispered Avari. "I never thought I would go there when I agreed to help you. I never thought I'd go there at all."

Week - 185

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Eight
by fierwym
Description: With luck, they would make it there before the army came. Who knew what the creatures from the other side of the world could do?

Week - 186

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Nine
by fierwym
Description: The Nightmare's red eyes watched the wings, and it halted in its advance. "Raatri!" Avari shrilled, and he risked a glance over his shoulder. What he saw made his heart stop.

Week - 187

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Ten
by fierwym
Description: "It is your destiny you must fulfill! Leave me here now!" There was so much conviction and force in her voice that he let out a mournful, short howl, and quickened his stride.

Week - 188

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Eleven
by fierwym
Description: "First, I must tell you how I learned of Blake's-the king of the Citadel now-plans. We are trapped now in our home, unable to protest, locked away at dark.

Week - 189

The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Twelve
by fierwym
Description: "Though Darigan had reclaimed the Citadel, both his kingdom and Meridell face the greatest problem we have had in many years."

Week - 189

Will You Remember Me?
by fierwym
Description: Tori shivered, despite having promised herself years ago that she would show no one any sign of weakness in her. She mentally shook her head at the echo, refusing to remember.

Week - 194

A Guide for Future NT Stars
by fierwym
Description: Cool! They wanted *me* to give out writing tips! I made a mistake though: I said “sure” right on the boards. Never do that on the boards, not with something like this...

Week - 192

The Lupe Pack
by fierwym
Description: At first one might think she was just a normal Lupe in one of those free-roaming packs that lived on the plains. While it was true that she was part of a free-roaming pack, she was far from normal.

Week - 193

The Chronicles of Knight II: Rebuilding the Forsaken - Part One
by fierwym
Description: "Of the many times I've heard it in the past few months, I'm still shocked to find people questioning the fact that I was made a knight. I, of all people, right!?"

Week - 194

The Chronicles of Knight II: Rebuilding the Forsaken - Part Two
by fierwym
Description: "You're home now, though," she voiced. "That's what matters. You can help to set things right. Along with Raatri and Lady Avari, Meridell and the Citadel will rise once more."

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