A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 98,096,637 Issue: 194 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y7
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We found the following 22 result(s) for the keyword scarletrhapsody

Week - 161

The Sweetest Acara: Part One
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Whitney, as if reminded of her ill fate with her employer, sighs deeply and sadly. The showers lighten up slightly, and she looks up to the sky wistfully, dreamily.

Week - 162

The Sweetest Acara: Part Two
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Whitney; do not bother waiting for me at the town square. Change of plan. I’ll not be meeting you today...

Week - 166

Pet Depression
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Pet depression is actually a profound psychological problem encountered by many pets. Here, the word “depression” is used liberally to describe unhappiness.

Week - 165

Gilbert the Poogle: Part One
by scarletrhapsody
Description: In Penny's hand was no sign of the Fire Gem that her had been so eagerly anticipating. Instead, it was an annoying sweet-looking Blue Poogle toy.

Week - 166

Gilbert the Poogle: Part Two
by scarletrhapsody
Description: It was almost a whole week since the change, and new Poogle soon came to realise that the transformation of colour species was more than just an alteration of skin-deep exterior appearance. With it went his pride and his self-esteem, his confidence and respect.

Week - 167

Gilbert the Poogle: Part Three
by scarletrhapsody
Description: "Don't be so sad, Gilbert," Ruby tried her best to console the wailing Poogle. "It isn't your fault for not being adept at games. Um, how about your owner? She would have enough Neopoints to spend."

Week - 168

Gilbert the Poogle: Part Four
by scarletrhapsody
Description: "I have an idea, Gilbert," she began slowly, cautiously. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "I've been thinking about it since yesterday night, after I saw how disillusioned you looked. You know how I'm a faerie?..."

Week - 169

Gilbert the Poogle: Part Five
by scarletrhapsody
Description: "What are you waiting for, Gilbert?" Ruby asked, puzzled with his tarrying. "Grab it quickly, or someone else might make an offer for it instead of you."

Week - 169

The Wonky Wocky
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Slicker for cleanliness...

Week - 170

Waltzing Neopia
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Neopets from different parts of Neopia congregate each week and practise different types of graceful exercises combining both entertainment and workouts to the best effect, something that is generally classified as..."dancing".

Week - 170

A Complete Christmas: Part One
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Andrea was never a born writer. Indeed, never in her entire life had she written a decent piece of work. Somehow she just couldn't, even if she tried every single way to...

Week - 171

A Complete Christmas: Part Two
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Andrea was stunned for a moment. She could not comprehend what was happening before her. But soon she came back to reality, and slowly, a wide grin broke out.

Week - 175

Autobiography of a Balloon
by scarletrhapsody
Description: I look just like any of the other balloons in the shop, but perhaps by some strange Faerie magic which even I am unaware of, I am unlike them. For I have a mind of my own.

Week - 180

A Beginner’s Guide to a Carnival Like No Other
by scarletrhapsody
Description: It has been a long time since we had seen a Carnival of Terror game guide here in the Times. Today I revisit the past and bring to you a brand new, updated guide to play this not-so-new game that is tucked in the far corner...

Week - 185

King Roo: Part One
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Many know of King Roo as the ruler of Roo Island and who is obsessed with dice-a-roo. But how many know of King Roo before he became king?

Week - 186

King Roo: Part Two
by scarletrhapsody
Description: "Very well," the queen said when Usha finished speaking. "The very purpose of this conference is to help our fellow Neopians who are in need. Since you have voiced your island's problems, King Usha Roo, we shall do our utmost to help your people..."

Week - 183

Shackles of Love – My Sister, My Hero
by scarletrhapsody
Description: How free they are. It must be nice to be able to experience such unrestricted flight once again. As Jasmine gazed enviously at the Neopets, thoughts ran through her little head. Why can't I be just like them?

Week - 183

The Anti-List List
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Every week, as we eagerly flip open our subscription of the Neopian Times, we will see that there is bound to be at least one article featuring a list of things...

Week - 184

The Joke's On You!
by scarletrhapsody
Description: I don't know if I like you anymore...

Also by theonlyjessica

Week - 193

Mary Yearning
by scarletrhapsody
Description: "Mary," my owner suddenly spoke up. "You've always wanted to know the meaning of your name. I guess this is the right time to tell you."

Week - 192

Clay Pets
by scarletrhapsody
Description: A do-it-yourself guide

Week - 194

Midnight Snack
by scarletrhapsody
Description: Why now?

Also by patjade

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