Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 106,046,831 Issue: 211 | 7th day of Collecting, Y7
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword placid_nightmare

Week - 205

The Angry King
by placid_nightmare
Description: I mean, I live practically next door!

Week - 211

by placid_nightmare
Description: The worst dream ever...

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When Coconuts Go Bad...
Fun at the beach!

by buddy__blankies


Escape: Part One
Valrigard the Draik sat in front of a small open window, taking in the breathtaking landscape with a lazy sweep of his eyes. Below, villagers were just beginning to wake up to find their rows and rows of cornfields, berry bushes, and potato plants soaking in the morning sun...

by firedragon9078


Fond Memories: One "Lucky" Wheel
Not QUITE the prize I was after... x_x

by prettyprincesslady54


Caring For Your Tyrannian Petpet
Such a tough choice. There are so many cool ones: Donksaurs, Uggatrips, Searexs, etc...

by brennamichael


A Part of the Family
'Guy, we've been over this. I've been waiting for a new pet to become available since we moved to Mystery Island. Now, I want you to treat your new brother or sister with as much respect as you show everyone else,' Crazy said...

by guy_sebastian_crazy

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