The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword thorndie

Week - 199

Angie's Gift
by thorndie
Description: Happy birthday!

Week - 226

Where's the PPL? o_O
by thorndie
Description: "I <3 my kad."

Week - 245

Mona-Elisa and the Missing Fuzzie Bear
by thorndie
Description: "My fuzzie bear went poof!" the little Kacheek wailed. "I need you to find Mr. Applesauce! Please hurry!"

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A Reluctant Lesson from the Count
"Indeed! There is no Count von Roo! And why? Have you ever seen anyone come out of that building other than the stray Neopian that happens to wander in? NO!"

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He just looks so alone...

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Adventures in Petpetsitting
That's when I had my brilliant idea. "Momma, can't I take care of Viv's petpets?" I asked. "And maybe... Viv would pay me!"

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The Pink Pen
My pencils and pens were nowhere to be found. I looked around my backpack once more, again finding nothing but paper...

by snorklie_snoutis


Shumtin CrAzY - Looky!
Looky here!

by foreveryou3008

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