Week - 200
T.H.U.U.F.T.T.H.I.O.T.N.T. by rosabellk |
Description: 131. Use it to make a suit of armor for yourself! Paper is the new iron, you
Also by dragonx325 |
Week - 248
Warning! by velveteen |
Description: This product may contain traces of asparagus.
Also by rosabellk |
Week - 296
Kreludor, Kreludor, Wherefore Art Thou, Kreludor? by rosabellk |
Description: They were on their way to the stadium, but they got caught in an endless loop and couldn't get back to the ship - erm, the moon. |
Week - 376
The Tale of Woe: The Musical! - Part One by rosabellk |
Description: A tale of darkness, one of gloom, A tale of lair and crypt and tomb... |
Week - 377
The Tale of Woe: The Musical! - Part Two by rosabellk |
Description: What ever can I do? What foulness was the cause?
Was it that evil brew that came from Krawley's claws? |
Week - 378
The Tale of Woe: The Musical! - Part Three by rosabellk |
Description: Gilly: Look how pitiful I am, a cute and helpless Usul.
Think of how dejected I would be by your refusal. |
Week - 379
The Tale of Woe: The Musical! - Part Four by rosabellk |
Description: We're going in circles! This path has no end!
Gilly: Wait, what's that around the bend? |
Week - 380
The Tale of Woe: The Musical! - Part Five by rosabellk |
Description: Test and dig, test and dig,
This graveyard certainly is big! |
Week - 381
The Tale of Woe: The Musical! - Part Six by rosabellk |
Description: Sophie: What have I done? I thought it would work,
But now the townsfolk have gone berserk! |
Week - 384
Alternate Uses for Illusen's Underappreciated Prizes by rosabellk |
Description: The main use and three alternate uses of the five cheapest prizes from Illusen's Glade. |
Week - 386
Commander Valka's Grand Mission by rosabellk |
Description: The biggest crisis Valka had dealt with in months involved what toppings to order on a pizza. (After much debate, the noble Resistance settled on pepperoni and mushrooms. Gorix sulked for weeks.) |
Week - 388
Colonel Cobb Meets his Match by rosabellk |
Description: At seven o'clock sharp, Colonel Cobb snapped to attention in front of a patch of asparagus and began morning drills. |
Week - 402
Ten Neggs Sat on a Shelf by rosabellk |
Description: It was night time in the Neggery, and ten Neggs sat on a shelf quietly, thinking to themselves. |
Week - 414
The Return of Sloth: The Musical! - Part One by rosabellk |
Description: Valka: Commander Valka to Gorix; I need a volunteer.
Gorix: Gorix back to Valka; I read you loud and clear. |
Week - 415
The Return of Sloth: The Musical! - Part Two by rosabellk |
Description: Garoo: What do you want, Ylana Skyfire?
[muttering under his breath] Treacherous scum, loyal for hire. |
Week - 416
The Return of Sloth: The Musical! - Part Three by rosabellk |
Description: Valka: Where is Gorix? Is he still out?
[Gorix enters with Cylara and the Cybunny Scout in tow.]
Gorix: Here, sir! And I found the Cybunny Scout! |
Week - 417
The Return of Sloth: The Musical! - Part Four by rosabellk |
Description: So tell us, Grundo, whom you serve
And we'll treat you accordingly, as you deserve. |
Week - 407
Virtupets® Synchronous Conferencing Console by ginny_invisible |
Description: spacefaerie00: Is this your latest plot to take over Neopia, Sloth?
drfranksloth: No, of course not! *innocent face*
Also by rosabellk |
Week - 413
Scars: Cravings by rosabellk |
Description: "Now, this happened a few months after Parlax betrayed Gorix. He was a double agent, still going on missions for the Resistance, but his true loyalties lay with Sloth..." |