Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 192,270,801 Issue: 639 | 4th day of Eating, Y16
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We found the following 22 result(s) for the keyword aisha_enchantress110

Week - 311

The Mysterious Aisha Sorceress
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: She once was a normal Aisha--an Aisha named Melora. That, however, was some twenty years ago...

Week - 315

A Mystical Halloween
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: Somewhere in the distance a Werelupe howled and a witch cackled. Yes, it was that time of year again, for kids to dress up and ask strangers for candy...

Week - 323

A Terror (Mountain) Christmas
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: "Come on, Arpheo, the tree looks fine the way it is," Orpheus said. He wrapped a warm scarf around his neck. "Char, Isca, and I are going up to the Advent Calendar. You're coming, right?"

Week - 375

The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part One
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: I am Jake, Neopia's greatest explorer; a blue Kougra ready for the next lost temple, the next powerful talisman, the next forgotten tomb. And that next adventure starts here...

Week - 376

The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Two
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: The captain of the ship - a blue Xweetok - announced that we had arrived. "Welcome to Krawk Island, I hope you enjoy your stay."

Week - 377

The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Three
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: "Cursed," Jazan finished forebodingly. "And I know a cursed city when I see one."

Week - 378

The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Four
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: "What? Why? Where are you taking me? I'm a very busy explorer, don't you know."

Week - 379

The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Five
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: "There are some ruins of an ancient temple in the mountains overlooking Meridell..."

Week - 380

The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Six
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: "Exploring, eh? That's what I LIVE for. How 'bout we team up together, eh, old chap?" Mr. Colchester grinned my way.

Week - 381

The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Seven
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: I'm here in the kingdom of Altador now, researching on the Golden Alabriss that the Ruby Feather of Mirth showed me.

Week - 382

The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Eight
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: "If you buy something, I MIGHT have a tale for you," the Shoyru said.

Week - 435

Illusen's Mission
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: "A situation like this calls for action! And I know JUST what to do..."

Week - 467

Little Witch Xenia
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: Halloween was coming up and she had some delicious plans brewing in her brain; naturally they involved pumpkin bombs and Spyders~

Week - 468

Jake the Explorer and the Spear of Doom!: Part One
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: Please come to Mawri-Maakri and investigate. The whole of Mystery Island may be in danger!

Week - 469

Jake the Explorer and the Spear of Doom!: Part Two
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: The life style of an explorer: running for your life.

Week - 480

The Shenkuu Zodiac
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: On a recent trip I met with Linae, a pink Kougra, and she told me, in greeting: "The Year of the Kougra was exciting, but the Year of the Cybunny is going quite well. I have a feeling it will be even better!"

Week - 518

The Ten Most Haunted Places in Neopia
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: Treasure seekers and divers have seen her on numerous occasions, when the sea beneath is deathly calm while a storms brews above the water...

Week - 569

Jake the Explorer and the Ruins of Pyre!: Part One
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: I've dealt with enough thieves in my days, and whether they be reformed or not - I won't allow anyone to plunder an ancient site!

Week - 570

Jake the Explorer and the Ruins of Pyre!: Part Two
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: I could hear Count Von Roo laughing in the distance...

Week - 617

The Alice Tea Club: Part One
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: "I thought of the greatest, neatest idea!" Char went on. "I'd like to start a teatime club!"

Week - 618

The Alice Tea Club: Part Two
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: Fay was the next Alice Tea Club hostess. She lived in a meadow cottage surrounded by a garden of trees and flowers.

Week - 639

What is this Thing Called April Fool's?
by aisha_enchantress110
Description: Mermaid-Isca, a cloud Aisha, walked into the Altadorian Archives on a mission – no, not to solve the mystery of the Darkest Faerie statue in the Hall of Heroes.

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What is this Thing Called April Fool's?
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