Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 192,270,801 Issue: 639 | 4th day of Eating, Y16
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Brilliant Scientist or Shrewd Businessman?

by fanlia

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Agent of the Sway: Discovery - Part One
Hanso stepped off the boat, wrapping his coat around him to protect against the wind that flung the desert sand at his face.

by herdygerdy


Sebastian's Spirits: Part Seven
"What's going on?" Ava shrieked as her dark pink self became pale. "Did the box break or something?"

by crazy_4_sushi


Aisha Hair
And thus we see why Cheat is so easy...

by fuzzykit12


Don't Shop, Adopt!
"Is omelette again okay, Luke? We still have some from yesterday!" Kara called from the kitchen.

by vanillaskys20

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