Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,402,800 Issue: 688 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword gorubeza

Week - 556

Little Wings, Big Feet
by gorubeza
Description: Being a Darigan JubJub is NOT easy!

Week - 572

My Top 10 Darigan Pets
by gorubeza
Description: Sharp claws, flowing manes, and flashing red eyes... How can you resist???

Week - 580

Top 10 Winter Avatars
by gorubeza
Description: These avatars are the coolest of cool... You can be too!

Week - 603

The Best Thing About Team Virtupets
by gorubeza
Description: Self-explanatory, no?

Week - 607

My Top 10 Summer Avatars
by gorubeza
Description: Don't like the cold? No worries! Bring on the heat with these beauties!

Week - 619

An Interview with a Pteri and his Owner
by gorubeza
Description: A Pteri Day Special!

Also by mucka33

Week - 633

The Adventures of Zarugene and Dunestar: Part 1
by gorubeza
Description: Grave...

Coloring and thumbnail by mucka33

Week - 634

The Adventures of Zarugene and Dunestar: Part 2
by gorubeza
Description: Grrrr!

Coloring and thumbnail by mucka33

Week - 636

The Adventures of Zarugene and Dunestar: Part 3
by gorubeza
Description: An adorable ending!

Coloring and thumbnail by mucka33

Week - 645

Z, The Dark Tonu Knight
by gorubeza
Description: Starring Black_Knight_Zero_00 the Tonu! Z belongs to horntailz.

Week - 668

Zaru's School of Tearror- Part 1
by gorubeza
Description: Education is scary... especially when your teacher is an evil Kiko.

Week - 688

Lord Dark Noirgus' concert- In a Nutshell
by gorubeza
Description: Ah, music to my ears

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Chaneliz Visits the Beach
"Come on Tusk," Chaneliz squealed, "Race you to the beach!" Her little paws went from scorching hot cobblestone to sand in just a few moments as she broke into a run - her Gruslen struggling to keep up behind her. She felt the grains in between her toes, warmed by the sun.

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Every year I somehow forget how to play...

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Ezra and Ava: Wraiths and Home
Ava sighed as she placed the piece of dung into her basket. "This has got to be the worst streak we've had," she said. "This is the fifth piece of dung we've found."

by broncogirl6

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