Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 193,660,839 Issue: 706 | 6th day of Storing, Y17
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword fooshfuush

Week - 549

Woes of Expensive Taste
by fooshfuush
Description: Meow~

Week - 647

Rainbow Pool Gargoyles
by l_like_animals
Description: They're here to stay forever...

Also by fooshfuush

Week - 648

Woes of Expensive Taste 2
by fooshfuush
Description: "Meow Meow~"

Week - 649

Moltaran Meltdown
by l_like_animals
Description: Why does Moltara never win the Altador Cup? They just can't take the heat.

Also by fooshfuush

Week - 705

An Unexpected Appearance
by fooshfuush
Description: Wow, that's all it takes?

Week - 706

Top Ten Places Punchbag Sid Could Be Hiding
by fooshfuush
Description: We haven't seen Punchbag Sid enter the Battledome since Y14. Meanwhile, his brother Bob happily shows up to work every day. Where in Neopia could Sid have been hiding for so long? Here are the 10 most likely places Sid has been.

Also by l_like_animals.

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The Auction
Serena the Shoyru nervously clutched her bag. It contained exactly 12,000 Neopoints—her entire summer savings. It was the last day of vacation and she had come to the Auction House with her best friend, Callie, in hopes of buying something new and exciting. But the sun was sinking lower in the sky, the crowds around the Auction House were starting to thin out, and Serena had not spent any of her Neopoints yet.

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Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 5
Yeah, he actually has a Doctorate in Chemistry. Not that he uses it.

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Results May Vary: Giant Squid
Physics? HA! What are those?

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Enough Reasons To Not Get a Plumpy
No! Bad Plumpy!

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The Once-Forgotten Shore
Loud enough for the whole crew to hear, he announced, "Prepare to land on that shore." Tornin the navigator looked down at his map, then back up to the shore. Back down to the map, then back up to the shore. He decided he wasn't mistaken. "Captain, I think it would be very unwise to land here."

by book_moon

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