Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,660,839 Issue: 706 | 6th day of Storing, Y17
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Continued Series

Mr. Aramate's Wonderous Emporium of the Soul: Part Five

Peter was of course an eight year old, as I think we’ve mentioned before. At such an age there can be only one reaction when you are caught somewhere you aren't supposed to be - run.

by herdygerdy
A Queen's Ascension - Justice: Part Seven

Morgana stood up, causing Vyssa and Tomos to take a step back each. She sighed. “You’re in charge, are you?” She echoed. Her voice was somewhat changed from last time. It had lost the crackly sound to it, and was instead quite clear. It was now smooth as silk and deep. Vyssa couldn’t help but wonder if everything about her had been a lie.

by dudeiloled
Meegla and Fargon's Not-So-Intergalactic Adventures: Part Five

Meegla couldn’t read the deck. Try as she might, her psychic powers didn’t seem to work on a whole stack of cards. She could barely tell what the top card was; it was as if the other cards were creating an interference her powers couldn’t overcome.

by hybatsu
And Then There Was Silence: Part Four

Kanrik throws an empty bottle against the wall. It shatters into a rain of bluish glass that scatters across the ground. Finneus is afraid to look Kanrik in the face again. "What part of 'don't ever come back' do you not understand, Finneus?!"

by theschizophrenicpunk
The Shade Files - Halloween Nightmare: Part Three

We had been gone for approximately over three hours while we were exploring the tomb and the subsequent battle, yet when we came back, we found ourselves in a slightly altered Neopia. Somehow, during those three hours that we were gone, something drastic must have happened that caused Blizzard to worry about us when we did not return despite Shadow Breeze’s signal earlier.

by lupe_hunter_7
The Amulet's Curse: Part Two

It had been a long trip to Altador. The pair had walked through the desert surrounding Sakhmet, and through a mountain range on a path few knew about, but finally the great land became visible. King Altador was right. The water levels were rising - and fast. In a couple days, Amira guessed, it would reach the main city. It certainly was an emergency situation.

by corrina404
Adventures in the Catacombs: Part Two

Holly the Christmas Yooyu was standing in the foyer of the catacombs, high above Neovia. She had just waved goodbye to her friend, Ruaalia, and was about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime - venturing into the maze of tunnels below to seek out hidden treasure.

by alynda
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"The Extravagance of Life" by xyimba
"Perfect," King Jazan remarked, observing the object from top to bottom. "It's magnificent." "Well, I do what I can," Adrian the Tonu said proudly. "But it satisfies you?" "Very much so. This should bring wonderful income to the city of Qasala." They spoke of Adrian's masterpiece, handcrafted by him and funded by the king: the Wheel of Extravagance. Created from exquisite gold and bronze, it was designed as a tourist attraction for the city. A Neopian could pay one hundred thousand Neopoints to spin the wheel, and depending on where it landed, they won a prize. "And you made sure to make the right parts heavier?" Jazan questioned. "Yes, and I spun it one hundred times to check it. Eighty spins were profitable for Qasala. The odds of the spinner winning are just good enough that people will keep coming, but bad enough that we can make plenty of money." "Adrian, you're a wonderful person to employ. You designed this, you built it, you learned how to boost the stats of spinners... What would I do without you?"

Other Stories


The Extravagance of Life
They spoke of Adrian's masterpiece, handcrafted by him and funded by the king: the Wheel of Extravagance. Created from exquisite gold and bronze, it was designed as a tourist attraction for the city. A Neopian could pay one hundred thousand Neopoints to spin the wheel, and depending on where it landed, they won a prize.

"And you made sure to make the right parts heavier?" Jazan questioned.

by xyimba


In Stitches
"Come on, now, Mr. Rotter. I'll never be able to sew your arm back on if you don't stop hiding in the cellar." The zombie peered up at the Plushie Gnorbu as he loomed over the cellar door and shuddered, inching further back into the shadows.

by cannizarro


Only On Neopets!
Inspired, I thought it would be cool to collect a list of Neopian quirks that are unique to the players on this site and no other. Plus, I love having an excuse to talk on the Neoboards. It's my favorite form of entertainment on here! I headed to the Neoboards and asked the players: "What are your quirks on Neopets, quirks that are unique to this site?" I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences


Goparokko Game Guide
Hello everyone and welcome to my guide on how to play Goparokko! In a recent survey I conducted on the Avatar Neoboards, I found that a lot of people are struggling to get the Goparokko avatar. I believe by following the many tips and pointers in this in-depth guide, you'll be showing off your avatar or trophy to your friends and of course, the Tiki Man in no time!

by m0nster_rancher


Sweet Pea
A vanity story

by junkgirl


The Fastest Way To The 'Kadoatery - Mew!' Avatar
Another 3 Kads Fed!

by mustikeuh121

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