Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,660,839 Issue: 706 | 6th day of Storing, Y17
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Trouble in Paradise: Fan Mail

It's funny because it's true.

by chasing_stars44
Scream & Shout

He's only manupulative when his favorite foods are on the line.

Also by tizzlestix

by msjanny

Eclectic Antics: Writing Tip

A scathing, poignant remark will henceforth be scrawled in this vacuous space.

by amarettoball
Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 5

Yeah, he actually has a Doctorate in Chemistry. Not that he uses it.

by june_scarlet
Kiss The Mortog

So not worth it.

Also by stephsie

by tarake_7_7_7

The Fastest Way To The 'Kadoatery - Mew!' Avatar

Another 3 Kads Fed!

by mustikeuh121
Oopsy Daisy

Watch where you pick!

by kouger233
Anniversary - Part 7

Literally ten, chronologically twenty-eight, looks more like seventeen.

by caylista
Unconverted Disadvantages

That is SO embarassing

Also by: mauvus

by roxanna203

Grooming Woes

Grooming isn't easy.

by cherokee165
Strange Brew

After the fall of Faerieland, Xandra's back at it again!

Story by ryac

by cletta

My New Morphing Potion

Or is it ...?

by navalgazer
The Not So Scary Cybunny

What in Neopia?!

by liezelotte8
Squid Slippers: Foster Frustrations

That's better.

by cosmicfire918
The Adventures of Kad and Drooly: Part 3


by iciclefaerie05
Results May Vary: Giant Squid

Physics? HA! What are those?

by return_of_itsy
Ewww Garlic

Eugh, that's not fair.

by trilce
Sweet Pea

A vanity story

by junkgirl
The Truth About Mutants

Well, that was not as planned.

by goldensif
Got Your Nose!



by meowbey

Mistaken Intentions

I gotta hurry!

Idea by: coolnish_azn101

by hikariyugi_yamiatemu

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Reasons To Not Get a Plumpy

Plumpy was given out by the Advent Calendar. Well, Plumpy is actually a very cute petpet but not everything is as good as it seems. He definitively has a *few* terrible addictions so you have to be sure you can handle them. Should you get rid of your Plumpy as soon as possible? Maybe, that's always a possibility. But first, why don't you take a moment to read through the entire article and then you can make a decision.

Other Stories


The Once-Forgotten Shore
Loud enough for the whole crew to hear, he announced, "Prepare to land on that shore." Tornin the navigator looked down at his map, then back up to the shore. Back down to the map, then back up to the shore. He decided he wasn't mistaken. "Captain, I think it would be very unwise to land here."

by book_moon


Pocket Change
"They want to put a lever into the wall of the Supply Deck."

"Okay..." Castrix was silent for a moment. "A lever for what?"

"Well, it's a weird request. They say they want a mechanical hand to come out when someone pulls the lever, and take Neopoints from the person who pulled it."

by airickuh


A Battledome to Unconverted Trading Guide
Have you ever wanted to trade up into UCs but have never really known how? Well, this guide will tell you how it can be done. This guide is based upon real past trading experiences which will give you some tips as to how you can achieve a pet you have always wanted, regardless of their UC status.

by gattacaa


A Newbie’s Guide for Owning and Restocking Your Shop
You just started your Neopets account and while lurking around the site you notice these amazing accounts, galleries, and collections. Your first thought is how do I get there? These are some tips I have learned to run a successful and profitable shop.

by shadowofasshai


The Faerie of Ars Arcanium: Part One
"I mean the problems with magic around all of Neopia, it's affecting me and the other Faeries too." Taelia said. Diakumablo and Sinisal stared at her in shock. It was true that magic seemed to be going haywire recently and any Neopet who tried to use it would never get the desired result. It was causing quite a lot of trouble for Neopia, but they weren't aware that this was affecting the Faeries of Neopia too.

by orisasda


The Amulet's Curse: Part Two
It had been a long trip to Altador. The pair had walked through the desert surrounding Sakhmet, and through a mountain range on a path few knew about, but finally the great land became visible. King Altador was right. The water levels were rising - and fast. In a couple days, Amira guessed, it would reach the main city. It certainly was an emergency situation.

by corrina404

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