White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 193,660,839 Issue: 706 | 6th day of Storing, Y17
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New Series

The Faerie of Ars Arcanium: Part One

"I mean the problems with magic around all of Neopia, it's affecting me and the other Faeries too." Taelia said. Diakumablo and Sinisal stared at her in shock. It was true that magic seemed to be going haywire recently and any Neopet who tried to use it would never get the desired result. It was causing quite a lot of trouble for Neopia, but they weren't aware that this was affecting the Faeries of Neopia too.

by orisasda
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Only On

Inspired, I thought it would be cool to collect a list of Neopian quirks that are unique to the players on this site and no other. Plus, I love having an excuse to talk on the Neoboards. It's my favorite form of entertainment on here! I headed to the Neoboards and asked the players: "What are your quirks on Neopets, quirks that are unique to this site?" I got many interesting replies!

Other Stories


In Stitches
"Come on, now, Mr. Rotter. I'll never be able to sew your arm back on if you don't stop hiding in the cellar." The zombie peered up at the Plushie Gnorbu as he loomed over the cellar door and shuddered, inching further back into the shadows.

by cannizarro


The Once-Forgotten Shore
Loud enough for the whole crew to hear, he announced, "Prepare to land on that shore." Tornin the navigator looked down at his map, then back up to the shore. Back down to the map, then back up to the shore. He decided he wasn't mistaken. "Captain, I think it would be very unwise to land here."

by book_moon


Enough Reasons To Not Get a Plumpy
No! Bad Plumpy!

Also by realidade

by sky_lady


Only On Neopets!
Inspired, I thought it would be cool to collect a list of Neopian quirks that are unique to the players on this site and no other. Plus, I love having an excuse to talk on the Neoboards. It's my favorite form of entertainment on here! I headed to the Neoboards and asked the players: "What are your quirks on Neopets, quirks that are unique to this site?" I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences


Squid Slippers: Foster Frustrations
That's better.

by cosmicfire918


Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 5
Yeah, he actually has a Doctorate in Chemistry. Not that he uses it.

by june_scarlet

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